I narrowed it down. The problem seems to be the epiphany-browser
. I switched to chromium
and now all modules are being loaded.
A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Calendar module is not loaded
Calendar module is not loaded
My Setup:
Raspberry Pi 2
Raspbian: 9.4
node: 10.9.0
npm: 6.2.0
MagicMirror: 2.4.1Since I didn’t get electron to work, I’m using MM in the serveronly mode. After my RPi boots and the graphical env is loaded, the following commands are executed from ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart:
sh /home/pi/mm.sh
The mm.sh file contains:
exec > /var/log/mm.log exec 2>&1 cd /opt/MagicMirror node serveronly & sleep 180 epiphany --profile /home/pi/.config -a http://localhost:8080 & sleep 60 DISPLAY=:0 xte 'key F11'
When i access MM from my laptop everything is fine, but from the RPi the calendar module seems not to be loaded.
In the logfile /var/log/mm.log I see the following messages:** Message: console message: [native code] @0: Starting module: alert ** Message: console message: [native code] @0: Start updatenotification ** Message: console message: [native code] @0: Starting module: clock ** Message: console message: [native code] @0: Starting module: currentweather ** Message: console message: [native code] @0: Starting module: weatherforecast ** Message: console message: [native code] @0: Starting module: newsfeed ** Message: console message: [native code] @0: All modules started!
Does anyone has a clue why the calendar module is not loading?
EDIT: I changed the script so that it contains all the commands.