Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Question, is there a way to hide or show in use or not
Is there a way to hide a module if it’s not being used, and show it if it is being used. For example I have a module that shows my Volumio V3 as I’m using Pandora on it primarily throw the use of Volumio, thought that would work wonderfully for my wife in the restroom taking a show or what not. It displays the song and everything, it works wonderfully the way I have it, but…when not it use, it just displays the Volumio display for the screen. unless I turn it off it display a refresh arrow. I want to eliminate that, and just have it blank and off while not being used. is there away or does anyone have an idea to achieve what I would like.
@xkustomz yes it can be hidden
but nobody knows it’s playing except it unless it send notifications.
how do you start it playing again? if it’s hidden
so you would have to add some other module like MMM-RemoteControl. which can hide or show modules by name
I do this with my Alexa and home assistant, when the echo dot is in a “Playing” status it shows the module, once it is not it hides it.
Looks like home assistant has an integration for volumio