Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
"Client Mode" installation + PIR
@Kostosso before there was a decent pi browser, client mode was useful. not so.much now.
you can run browser in kiosk mode and never know.
see the here
for the syntax to launch Chromebox midori in kiosk mode. down near the end.
I use this on pi0w where electron is brokenpirbo the pi, w remote, sure
when someone approaches the pi, the remote will wake up. don’t know how to do the pir at the remote browser wakeup. -
Thanks for the answer.
If I understand correctly, then it is enough for me to install a minimal system with a graphical interface and Cromium on RPI.
After that, do the following line in autorun
open -a "Google Chrome" http://localhost:$port --args -noerrdialogs -kiosk -start_maximized --disable-infobars --ignore-certificate-errors-spki-list --ignore-ssl-errors --ignore-certificate-errors 2>/dev/null
And to wake up the monitor, use any Python script
@Kostosso open is a macOS command
the one above is for chrome or chromium-browser
different names depending on system
yes, and pir connected to pi, which is the UI only system. then python to wake/sleep
localhost means mm server is on the same system?
Okay, then the command on the RPi should look like this?"chromium-browser" -noerrdialogs -kiosk -start_maximized --new-window --site-per-process --no-zygote --no-sandbox --disable-infobars --app= --ignore-certificate-errors-spki-list --ignore-ssl-errors --ignore-certificate-errors --user-data-dir=$r 2>/dev/null
(No, docker with the server is on a different host.)I’ve read here that there can be problems with Cromium and that automatically restarting pm2 helps solve them. Or is this already “outdated information”?
Thanks a lot
@Kostosso not outdated…
pm2 (node process manager) job is to start (at boot too) AND keep running any number of processes
you can define the process in a json file (so you can have a pretty name vs the name of the script/executable)
see the pm2_MagicMirror.json on my scripts site for the model I use in the install script
or pm2 start (bash scripts MUST have .sh extension) if u start them directly)you can start your browser and also the python script with pm2…