Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
ClientOnly - toggle monitor power on and off
@egzachly to turn off the monitor, you need to execute a command. the browser cannot do that.
this is done by the node_helper of some module
today the decision logic is in the browser side, the execution is in the helper.
so client side (browser) only doesn’t work for this
I figured that was the case. Is it possible to load MM with a config file located somewhere other than the config directory?
@egzachly yes
u can set the path/name of the config.js
this also makes it so you could launch multiple instances from the same mm folder w different configs
export MM_CONFIG=full path to config file, or just name
edit MMM_CONFG_FILE is the correct env variablesearch posts w mm_config to see prior discussions
This isnt working for me
i set up pm2 with a startup script which looks like this
cd ~/MagicMirror export MM_CONFIG=/mnt/magicmirror/config.js DISPLAY=:0 npm start
I’ve verified that the config.js is present at that folder location. when I start with pm2 i get the screen that says
“Please create a config file or check the existing one for errors”to test if it was permissions error on the /mnt directory files. I copied the config to ~/mmconfig and edited the script to read
... export MM_CONFIG=/home/egzachly/mmconfig/config.js ...
And I get the same error message.
I then confirmed that there is not an error with the config.js by copying it to ~/MagicMirror/config/config.js and starting with
npm start
And it runs flawlessly. Unfortunately, running it from there is not what I want to do. Is there a syntax error in my pm2 shell script?
@egzachly my fault…
sam@galliumos:~/MagicMirror$ export MM_CONFIG_FILE=/mnt/config.js sam@galliumos:~/MagicMirror$ npm start > magicmirror@2.22.0 start > DISPLAY="${DISPLAY:=:0}" ./node_modules/.bin/electron js/electron.js [08.01.2023 16:24.39.762] [LOG] Starting MagicMirror: v2.22.0 [08.01.2023 16:24.39.768] [LOG] Loading config ... [08.01.2023 16:24.39.770] [LOG] config=/mnt/config.js
I added a console print to verify
@egzachly also you can use the ln command to link the config.js to the real file somewhere else… MM doesn’t know the link is not a real file…