Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Installation Problems
@davidgagne timeout is a network problem. do you have a pihole server on your network? others experiencing similar problems have reported that cause.
@davidgagne the maxlisteners problem is a bug in npm we can’t suppress
@sdetweil No, I am not running a pihole or any other service or hardware which would cause a network delay, and the device is fairly close to the WiFi router. There’s no reason I can imagine for a network timeout.
@davidgagne i have never experienced timeout on my pi0w
@davidgagne did you make any progress?
@sdetweil I gave up. I think that MM is simply too demanding to run well on the older Pi Zero W devices. Even after dozens and dozens of attempts, and finally getting it to install perfectly and running, on a blazing fast WiFi connection (close to the signal), multiple modules repeatedly fail and don’t restart on their own, until eventually the MM software itself locks and doesn’t restart.
At this point I’m going to simply abandon these efforts and wait until I can grab a 3 or 4; I’ll put the Zero to good use doing something else soon.
Thanks for all your help. -
@davidgagne understood… its tough for sure on the older hardware