Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Resurrecting my mirror!
Hello all, so happy to be back here after my mirror sat in a closet for a few years because the wife just didn’t “get it” and claimed we had no place to put it. Turns out we now have a place ot put it but more importantly, we have a mission for it to help us with.
Our teenage girls are really having a tough go at the world these days so we’ve decided to put the magic Mirror to work feeding them daily affirmations and positive thinking strategies. The mirror will be hung right at the bottom of our stairs to the front door where they will surely be at least two or three times a day. (Admittedly this “spot” didn’t exist prior to this spring when I decided to add an electrical outlet to the wall by the door so I could charge my unicycle there instead of having toe carry it up or down stairs.)
So that’s the back story. My Mirror is configured with the following modules:
and MMM-Dad-Jokes (of course)Face-Reco was configured and working when I put it all away but I’m questioning whether my camera is functioning or not as it doesn’t seem to be working. My own photos are “close enough” to the same as the dataset so ‘recognition’ shouldn’t be the issue. I don’t think.
All the steps I’ve found to test the camera are not working and pointing me to reinstalling Ubuntu. Do you all have any suggestions for A) Checking the Camera for functionality or B) Reinstalling Ubuntu without losing all the configs on the Mirror side of things?
TIA for helping me finally get this mirror hung!
@Macboy first, backup your MagicMirror environment
use my backup/restore
you’ll have to update the os so, new sd card flash time
use my installer to get MagicMirror back running
see dnn has been updated so it will need reinstalled
what camera are you using?
@sdetweil Thank you. I’ll start that process over the next day or two. Do you think it’s worth backing up? I can copy and paste the important bits I’ll need again and just start fully from scratch. It wouldn’t kill me to refresh my memory on how this all works again - it’s been quite a while. I’ll still back up of course, just in case but am tempted to just start over again.
I’ll pop the camera out of the case and see what version it is. It’s the OE Raspberry Pi camera, not sure what version though.
Happy new year!
@Macboy backup the MagicMirror config,
see my scripts for that
very smallalso see my install script
That install script was great, thanks so much. Up and running on a fresh SD card. Now to reinstall the modules I had (I did back up the previous MM install but will start from scratch on the modules as well to relearn what I need to relearn.
@Macboy cool.
restore will put it back like it was. just doing the manual grunt work, git clone, npm install
config is unchanged
I was rereading some of my old posts on this forum and recalled the issue I was having with the Mirror and the camera seeming to not work based on something I was messing up in the process. I think that’s about where it was left off. I’m going to work it back up slowly, comparing the old with the new (I’ve got a few spare Pis and monitors around so it’s easy for me to compare side by side as I go).