A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MM_Withings module | Values are not being updated
Hey everyone,
this is my first post, so hopefully this is the correct category.
I have an issue with the MM_Withings module from john7002 . Access to the API works fine and I can see the extracted value in the Log.
But unfortunately the table does not get updated accordingly.
I am not a JavaScript expert and am kind of desperate.
I stripped down the original MM_Withings.js to just handle the received weight. I attached the code.
It would be great, if you could check the code and point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance for your efforts.
// init method start: function() { this.α = 0; // set interval for reload timer this.t = this.config.updateInterval * 60 * 1000 / 360; this.weight=0; Log.info(this.name + " 1st step of execution."); this.updateLoad(); }, updateLoad: function() { Log.info(this.name + "refresh triggered"); var that = this; return Q.fcall( this.load.get_URL.bind(that,'weight'), Log.info("URL LOADED"), this.renderError.bind(that) ).then( this.extractweight.bind(that), //weight Log.info("WEIGHT EXTRACTED"), this.renderError.bind(that) ).done( this.updateWait.bind(that), Log.info("BIND UPDATE WEIGHT") ); }, updateWait: function() { this.α++; this.α %= 360; var r = (this.α * Math.PI / 180); if (r === 0) { // refresh data this.updateLoad(); } else { // wait further setTimeout(this.updateWait.bind(this), this.t); } }, load: { get_URL: function(data_type) { switch(data_type){ case 'weight': base= this.config.api.base; base2=this.config.api.measure_weight; end=this.config.api.authPayload_weight; break; default: return ''; } return Q($.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: base+base2, data: this.config.api.authPayload.format( this.config.oauth_consumer_key, Array(32+1).join((Math.random().toString(36)+'00000000000000000').slice(2, 18)).slice(0, 32), this.config.oauth_signature)+ this.config.api.authPayload2.format( Date.now(), this.config.oauth_token, this.config.oauth_signature)+ this.config.api.authPayload3.format( this.config.clientID)+end })); }, }, extractweight: function(data) { var var2=data; var obj = JSON.parse(data); Log.info("status=" + obj.status); Log.info("time=" +obj.body.measuregrps[0].date); this.weight=obj.body.measuregrps[0].measures[0].value*Math.pow(10,obj.body.measuregrps[0].measures[0].unit); this.dateweight=obj.body.measuregrps[0].date; Log.info("poids=" +this.weight + "; date=" + this.dateweight); }, renderError: function(reason) { console.log("error " + reason); }, getScripts: function() { return [ 'String.format.js', '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.2/jquery.js', 'jquery-2.2.2.js', 'q.min.js', 'moment.js' ]; }, getDom: function() { Log.info("UPDATE WEIGHT: " +this.weight + " DOM"); return $('<div>' + '<table> <tr><td> Gewicht: ' + this.weight +' kg</td></tr></table></div>')[0]; } });