Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Strange Glitching on HDMI
If i use the kfm driver. All okay …
Only Problem ist tvservice -p dont work
vcgencmd display_power 0
vcgencmd display_power 1
works.The MMM-PIR Senor Modul use
Vvgencmd so all is Fine for me.I Hope. My Sensor will Come on monday
Had a similar problem a couple of months ago. Following the instructions on MagicMirror Wiki page, I enabled the Full KMS OpenGL driver instead of using the fake one. As my setup is vertically mounted, I used xrandr to rotate the display.
Finally, installed a cooling fan on Raspberry Pi. No problem since then. -
Thanks everyone - I have a few days off, so have restarted my build - so far so good, but it’s early days.
Have enabled the Full KMS, rather than the fake, and rotated using xrandr - hopefully that will keep it stable.
I really appreciate the feedback.
So, I’ve got the mirror rebuilt and it’s working really well.
I haven’t gone near the PIR sensor yet, but plan to back up the SD Card in the state I have it now and come back to it if needed.
In short, I have the standard modules working in a portrait rotated position running on the official KMS OpenGL driver and it’s transitioning smoothly and without the glitching.One thing that has occurred to me, during my first build I was using the overscan_left=16 options from within config.txt - I know that the rotate_lcd=1 option works in FKMS, but I’m throwing it out there that the problem I had might have been the overscan options in conjunction with the FKMS OpenGL driver - I haven’t tested this, but thought I’d comment here for others who might visit this thread in the future.
@hrjmsh did you do anything special to get xrandr to rotate your display for your vertical setup? I disabled fmks and reverted to full kms (dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d), but couldn’t get the screen to rotate.
If you have any insight or advice, it’s greatly appreciated :)