Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
[MMM-LocalTemperature] - No display
@Thierry17 the loading message is the initial hard coded message from the module, and is replaced when data is loaded…
so, this means data was not loaded
open the developers window.
using keyboard ctrl-shift-ithen select the tab at the top labeled ‘console’
and scroll up to fine any errors, usually in red text. -
Thank you for your return.
I followed your advice and here is the error message that appears.
Unfortunately my knowledge is too limited to know how to correct the problem.
I configured MagicMirror en fr and online 424 of the MMM-LocalTemperature.js module it is indicated in: “translations / en.json”
By changing en instead of in that fear to solve the problem?
thank you in advance -
@Thierry17 can u show the error message(s)? we can help
Ouups I forgot "the error message:
MMM-LocalTemperature: Sensor read Error, trying again in 10 seconds. MMM-LocalTemperature.js:445 {"Killed":false,"code":1,"signal":null,"cmd":"sudo modules/MMM-LocalTemperature/DHT 3 -m j -a 3","stderr":Unable to read sensor data after 3 attemps.\n}
@Thierry17 said in [MMM-LocalTemperature] - No display:
Unable to read sensor data after 3 attemps
not a language problem…
can’t read the sensor…
maybe u need to set the config pinScheme? (:“WPI”) ??
maybe a wiring problem?
hover over the bcm number (22) to get the wiringPi number (3) -
Thank you very much for the info … now it works !!!
For info from the link I selected BCM22 (pin 15) and config.js I putsensorPin: 15, pinScheme: "BOARD",
The problem is that the temperature is random. It shows 23 ° C then 17 ° C then 23°C while with an arduino next door it displays 23 ° C … surely a problem of DHT11 …
But the problem is well settled, thank you again -
Picking up on an old thread.
I can’t get MMM-LocalTemperature to work on my Raspberry Pi4.
I have tried “all” variants I can think of in relation to pins (BOARD, WPI, Default, swithcing pins etc.).
But all I get is the “Loading” text.Any ideas how I can troubleshoot? Can the C-file be run in some kind of verbose mode? Is these some kind of GPIO scan/test tool?
I’m using the DHT22 module, with pull-up resistor built in.
It can be faulty, I suppose. Can I verify its function somehow? I do not have logic analyzer or other such tools. Only have multimeter.I’m a complete GPIO N00B/Rookie.
@Rikko I’ll answer myself here. :) It might help someone else.
The problem was the version of Wiring Pi, which is a dependency to this module.
If you follow the instructions on this module’s page, you get version 2.50 of Wiring Pi. But that does not work with Raspberry Pi 4. You need 2.52.Here you can find details: DHT22 now works well with MMM-LocalTemperature. 👍
I am leaving this comment here for those who have built a magic mirror using raspberry pi zero hoping that it will help someone.
After trying to get the sensor (DHT22) to work with various modules I confirm that I managed to make it run with this module. The only difference was that in step 3 of the instructions I installed wiringPi library as described in here: , which is simple a sudo apt-get install wiringpi command in the main directory of the project ( /MagicMirror ). Other than that, just make sure to enter the correct GPIO pin in the config.js file and you are ready to get some measurements.
Two words only… Thank you!