Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-MyCommute not showing up.
I can’t get my MMM-MyCommute to show up.
/********************************* Magic Mirror Module: MMM-MyCommute By Jeff Clarke Fork of mrx-work-traffic By Dominic Marx MIT Licensed *********************************/ Module.register('MMM-MyCommute', { defaults: { apikey: 'Removedmykey', origin: 'Sofieholm 9B, 9270 Klarup', startTime: '00:00', endTime: '23:59', hideDays: [], showSummary: true, colorCodeTravelTime: true, moderateTimeThreshold: 1.1, poorTimeThreshold: 1.3, nextTransitVehicleDepartureFormat: "[next at] h:mm a", travelTimeFormat: "m [min]", travelTimeFormatTrim: "left", pollFrequency: 10 * 60 * 1000, //every ten minutes, in milliseconds destinations: [ { destination: 'Gasværksvej 44, 9000 Aalborg', label: 'Christian Arbejde', mode: 'driving', time: null }, { destination: 'Karlskogavej 18, 9200 Aalborg', label: 'Eliza Arbejde, mode: 'driving', time: null }, ] }, // Define required scripts. getScripts: function() { return ["moment.js", this.file("node_modules/moment-duration-format/lib/moment-duration-format.js")]; }, // Define required styles. getStyles: function () { return ["MMM-MyCommute.css", "font-awesome.css"]; }, travelModes: [ 'driving', 'walking', 'bicycling', 'transit' ], transitModes: [ 'bus', 'subway', 'train', 'tram', 'rail' ], avoidOptions: [ 'tolls', 'highways', 'ferries', 'indoor' ], // Icons to use for each transportation mode symbols: { 'driving': 'car', 'walking': 'walk', 'bicycling': 'bike', 'transit': 'streetcar', 'tram': 'streetcar', 'bus': 'bus', 'subway': 'subway', 'train': 'train', 'rail': 'train', 'metro_rail': 'subway', 'monorail': 'train', 'heavy_rail': 'train', 'commuter_train': 'train', 'high_speed_train': 'train', 'intercity_bus': 'bus', 'trolleybus': 'streetcar', 'share_taxi': 'taxi', 'ferry': 'boat', 'cable_car': 'gondola', 'gondola_lift': 'gondola', 'funicular': 'gondola', 'other': 'streetcar' }, start: function() {'Starting module: ' +; this.predictions = new Array(); this.loading = true; this.inWindow = true; this.isHidden = false; //start data poll this.getData(); var self = this; setInterval(function() { self.getData(); }, this.config.pollFrequency); }, /* function isInWindow() @param start STRING display start time in 24 hour format e.g.: 06:00 @param end STRING display end time in 24 hour format e.g.: 10:00 @param hideDays ARRAY of numbers representing days of the week during which this tested item shall not be displayed. Sun = 0, Sat = 6 e.g.: [3,4] to hide the module on Wed & Thurs returns TRUE if current time is within start and end AND today is not in the list of days to hide. */ isInWindow: function(start, end, hideDays) { var now = moment(); var startTimeSplit = start.split(":"); var endTimeSplit = end.split(":"); var startTime = moment().hour(startTimeSplit[0]).minute(startTimeSplit[1]); var endTime = moment().hour(endTimeSplit[0]).minute(endTimeSplit[1]); if ( now.isBefore(startTime) || now.isAfter(endTime) ) { return false; } else if ( hideDays.indexOf( ) != -1) { return false; } return true; }, getData: function() { //only poll if in window if ( this.isInWindow( this.config.startTime, this.config.endTime, this.config.hideDays ) ) { //build URLs var destinations = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < this.config.destinations.length; i++) { var d = this.config.destinations[i]; var destStartTime = d.startTime || '00:00'; var destEndTime = d.endTime || '23:59'; var destHideDays = d.hideDays || []; if ( this.isInWindow( destStartTime, destEndTime, destHideDays ) ) { var url = '' + this.getParams(d); destinations.push({ url:url, config: d}); console.log(url); } } this.inWindow = true; if (destinations.length > 0) { this.sendSocketNotification("GOOGLE_TRAFFIC_GET", {destinations: destinations, instanceId: this.identifier}); } else { this.hide(1000, {lockString: this.identifier}); this.inWindow = false; this.isHidden = true; } } else { this.hide(1000, {lockString: this.identifier}); this.inWindow = false; this.isHidden = true; } }, getParams: function(dest) { var params = '?'; params += 'origin=' + encodeURIComponent(this.config.origin); params += '&destination=' + encodeURIComponent(dest.destination); params += '&key=' + this.config.apikey; //travel mode var mode = 'driving'; if (dest.mode && this.travelModes.indexOf(dest.mode) != -1) { mode = dest.mode; } params += '&mode=' + mode; //transit mode if travelMode = 'transit' if (mode == 'transit' && dest.transitMode) { var tModes = dest.transitMode.split("|"); var sanitizedTransitModes = ''; for (var i = 0; i < tModes.length; i++) { if (this.transitModes.indexOf(tModes[i]) != -1) { sanitizedTransitModes += (sanitizedTransitModes == '' ? tModes[i] : "|" + tModes[i]); } } if (sanitizedTransitModes.length > 0) { params += '&transit_mode=' + sanitizedTransitModes; } } if (dest.alternatives == true) { params += '&alternatives=true'; } if (dest.waypoints) { var waypoints = dest.waypoints.split("|"); for (var i = 0; i < waypoints.length; i++) { waypoints[i] = "via:" + encodeURIComponent(waypoints[i]); } params += '&waypoints=' + waypoints.join("|"); } //avoid if (dest.avoid) { var a = dest.avoid.split("|"); var sanitizedAvoidOptions = ''; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (this.avoidOptions.indexOf(a[i]) != -1) { sanitizedAvoidOptions += (sanitizedAvoidOptions == '' ? a[i] : "|" + a[i]); } } if (sanitizedAvoidOptions.length > 0) { params += '&avoid=' + sanitizedAvoidOptions; } } params += '&departure_time=now'; //needed for time based on traffic conditions return params; }, svgIconFactory: function(glyph) { var svg = document.createElementNS('','svg'); svg.setAttributeNS(null, "class", "transit-mode-icon"); var use = document.createElementNS('', "use"); use.setAttributeNS("", "href", "modules/MMM-MyCommute/icon_sprite.svg#" + glyph); svg.appendChild(use); return(svg); }, formatTime: function(time, timeInTraffic) { var timeEl = document.createElement("span"); timeEl.classList.add("travel-time"); if (timeInTraffic != null) { timeEl.innerHTML = moment.duration(Number(timeInTraffic), "seconds").format(this.config.travelTimeFormat, {trim: this.config.travelTimeFormatTrim}); var variance = timeInTraffic / time; if (this.config.colorCodeTravelTime) { if (variance > this.config.poorTimeThreshold) { timeEl.classList.add("status-poor"); } else if (variance > this.config.moderateTimeThreshold) { timeEl.classList.add("status-moderate"); } else { timeEl.classList.add("status-good"); } } } else { timeEl.innerHTML = moment.duration(Number(time), "seconds").format(this.config.travelTimeFormat, {trim: this.config.travelTimeFormatTrim}); timeEl.classList.add("status-good"); } return timeEl; }, getTransitIcon: function(dest, route) { var transitIcon; if (dest.transitMode) { var transitIcon = dest.transitMode.split("|")[0]; if (this.symbols[transitIcon] != null) { transitIcon = this.symbols[transitIcon]; } else { transitIcon = this.symbols[route.transitInfo[0].vehicle.toLowerCase()]; } } else { transitIcon = this.symbols[route.transitInfo[0].vehicle.toLowerCase()]; } return transitIcon; }, buildTransitSummary: function(transitInfo, summaryContainer) { for (var i = 0; i < transitInfo.length; i++) { var transitLeg = document.createElement("span"); transitLeg.classList.add('transit-leg'); transitLeg.appendChild(this.svgIconFactory(this.symbols[transitInfo[i].vehicle.toLowerCase()])); var routeNumber = document.createElement("span"); routeNumber.innerHTML = transitInfo[i].routeLabel; if (transitInfo[i].arrivalTime) { routeNumber.innerHTML = routeNumber.innerHTML + " (" + moment(transitInfo[i].arrivalTime).format(this.config.nextTransitVehicleDepartureFormat) + ")"; } transitLeg.appendChild(routeNumber); summaryContainer.appendChild(transitLeg); } }, getDom: function() { var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); if (this.loading) { var loading = document.createElement("div"); loading.innerHTML = this.translate("LOADING"); loading.className = "dimmed light small"; wrapper.appendChild(loading); return wrapper } for (var i = 0; i < this.predictions.length; i++) { var p = this.predictions[i]; var row = document.createElement("div"); row.classList.add("row"); var destination = document.createElement("span"); destination.className = "destination-label bright"; destination.innerHTML = p.config.label; row.appendChild(destination); var icon = document.createElement("span"); icon.className = "transit-mode bright"; var symbolIcon = 'car'; if (this.config.destinations[i].color) { icon.setAttribute("style", "color:" + p.config.color); } if (p.config.mode && this.symbols[p.config.mode]) { symbolIcon = this.symbols[p.config.mode]; } //different rendering for single route vs multiple if (p.error) { //no routes available. display an error instead. var errorTxt = document.createElement("span"); errorTxt.classList.add("route-error"); errorTxt.innerHTML = "Error"; row.appendChild(errorTxt); } else if (p.routes.length == 1 || !this.config.showSummary) { var r = p.routes[0]; row.appendChild( this.formatTime(r.time, r.timeInTraffic) ); //summary? if (this.config.showSummary) { var summary = document.createElement("div"); summary.classList.add("route-summary"); if (r.transitInfo) { symbolIcon = this.getTransitIcon(p.config,r); this.buildTransitSummary(r.transitInfo, summary); } else { summary.innerHTML = r.summary; } row.appendChild(summary); } } else { row.classList.add("with-multiple-routes"); for (var j = 0; j < p.routes.length; j++) { var routeSummaryOuter = document.createElement("div"); routeSummaryOuter.classList.add("route-summary-outer"); var r = p.routes[j]; routeSummaryOuter.appendChild( this.formatTime(r.time, r.timeInTraffic) ); var summary = document.createElement("div"); summary.classList.add("route-summary"); if (r.transitInfo) { symbolIcon = this.getTransitIcon(p.config,r); this.buildTransitSummary(r.transitInfo, summary); } else { summary.innerHTML = r.summary; } routeSummaryOuter.appendChild(summary); row.appendChild(routeSummaryOuter); } } var svg = this.svgIconFactory(symbolIcon); icon.appendChild(svg); row.appendChild(icon); wrapper.appendChild(row); } return wrapper; }, socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { if ( notification === 'GOOGLE_TRAFFIC_RESPONSE' + this.identifier ) { this.predictions = payload; if (this.loading) { this.loading = false; if (this.isHidden) { this.updateDom();, {lockString: this.identifier}); } else { this.updateDom(1000); } } else { this.updateDom();, {lockString: this.identifier}); } this.isHidden = false; } }, notificationReceived: function(notification, payload, sender) { if ( notification == 'DOM_OBJECTS_CREATED' && !this.inWindow) { this.hide(0, {lockString: this.identifier}); this.isHidden = true; } } });
Thats my config.
I’ve followed the instructions from and got a API key from the link provided.I might’ve chosen the wrong kind of API key tho, I took the Distance Matrix API since it provides travel time and distance for multiple destinations.
MyCommute does not show up when I open developer console, select the console tab and seach for MyCommute.
@Doogain Did you add the module into the MagicMirror/config/config.js?
@Doogain that is NOT your ‘config’… that is the module source.
my general rule, you never edit the module source, unless u are doign something special, like extending its functionalityto install a module you do
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules git clone ???
where ??? is the module github url
then when that completes, you add a
{ module: ??? , config: { } }, to the modules array in config/config.js the required data for the config entry will be found in the file in the module folder just created by the git clone operation
@buzzkc said in MMM-MyCommute not showing up.:
@Doogain Did you add the module into the MagicMirror/config/config.js?
That might be the issue, I didnt know I had to do that. Never installed a module before.
@sdetweil said in MMM-MyCommute not showing up.:
@Doogain that is NOT your ‘config’… that is the module source.
my general rule, you never edit the module source, unless u are doign something special, like extending its functionalityto install a module you do
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules git clone ???
where ??? is the module github url
then when that completes, you add a
{ module: ??? , config: { } }, to the modules array in config/config.js the required data for the config entry will be found in the file in the module folder just created by the git clone operation
I already did the first part, its the last part that I think I’ve screwed up on. I’ll give a go now, will post back soon.
Your config entry should look more like the one in the page of the module (, be sure you followed all of the installation notes in the readme.
{ module: 'MMM-MyCommute', position: 'top_left', config: { apikey: 'API_KEY_FROM_GOOGLE', origin: '65 Front St W, Toronto, ON M5J 1E6', startTime: '00:00', endTime: '23:59', hideDays: [0,6], destinations: [ { destination: '14 Duncan St Toronto, ON M5H 3G8', label: 'Air Canada Centre', mode: 'walking', color: '#82E5AA' }, { destination: '317 Dundas St W, Toronto, ON M5T 1G4', label: 'Art Gallery of Ontario', mode: 'transit' }, { destination: '55 Mill St, Toronto, ON M5A 3C4', label: 'Distillery District', mode: 'bicycling' }, { destination: '6301 Silver Dart Dr, Mississauga, ON L5P 1B2', label: 'Pearson Airport', avoid: 'tolls' } ] } }
@Doogain u modified the module source. Please remove yours, and customize the config.js
I reverted the module source, I messed up bigtime on that. The modules show up in MM now, and that is so great! Thanks a lot!
It does give a me a error instead of commute time tho, I think thats a either a API or adress error.
Which API do I have to select from google? It gives me several choices. -
I believe it’s the Maps Javascript API>>Directions API
@buzzkc said in MMM-MyCommute not showing up.:
I believe it’s the Maps Javascript API>>Directions API
Hmm still getting a error where it should say commute time.
It says:
MMM-MyCommute: You must enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project at Learn more at already have that enabled tho.