A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
you were missing a
under the module currentweatherand also one to many
under the module weatherforecastCorrected code :
{ module: "currentweather", position: "top_right", config: { location: "", locationID: "53.9576", //ID from http://bulk.openweathermap.org/sample/city.list.json.gz; unzip the gz file and find your city appid: "76b503a29647f3a01dd9ba1055daea6d", } }, { module: "weatherforecast", position: "top_right", header: "Weather Forecast", config: { location: "", locationID: "53.9576", //ID from http://bulk.openweathermap.org/sample/city.list.json.gz; unzip the gz file and find your city appid: "76b503a29647f3a01dd9ba1055daea6d", } },
{ module: "currentweather", position: "top_right", config: location: "", locationID: "53.9576", //ID from http://bulk.openweathermap.org/sample/city.list.json.gz; unzip the gz file and find your city appid: "76b503a29647f3a01dd9ba1055daea6d", } },
should be
{ module: "currentweather", position: "top_right", config: { // < ---- missing open brace location: "", locationID: "53.9576", //ID from http://bulk.openweathermap.org/sample/city.list.json.gz; unzip the gz file and find your city appid: "76b503a29647f3a01dd9ba1055daea6d", } },
{ module: "weatherforecast", position: "top_right", header: "Weather Forecast", config: { location: "", , locationID: "53.9576", //ID from http://bulk.openweathermap.org/sample/city.list.json.gz; unzip the gz file and find your city appid: "76b503a29647f3a01dd9ba1055daea6d", } }
should be
{ module: "weatherforecast", position: "top_right", header: "Weather Forecast", config: { location: "", //, < --- remove extra comma locationID: "53.9576", //ID from http://bulk.openweathermap.org/sample/city.list.json.gz; unzip the gz file and find your city appid: "76b503a29647f3a01dd9ba1055daea6d", } }
hi and thx again.still no joy and i have poated the latest config```
code_text* * By Michael Teeuw http://michaelteeuw.nl * MIT Licensed. * * For more information how you can configurate this file * See https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror#configuration * */ var config = { address: "localhost", // Address to listen on, can be: // - "localhost", "", "::1" to listen on loopback interface // - another specific IPv4/6 to listen on a specific interface // - "", "", "::" to listen on any interface // Default, when address config is left out, is "localhost" port: 8080, ipWhitelist: ["", "::ffff:", "::1"], // Set [] to allow all IP addresses // or add a specific IPv4 of : // ["", "::ffff:", "::1", "::ffff:"], // or IPv4 range of --> use CIDR format : // ["", "::ffff:", "::1", "::ffff:"], language: "en", timeFormat: 24, units: "metric", modules: [ { module: "alert", }, { module: "updatenotification", position: "top_bar" }, { module: "clock", position: "top_left" }, { module: "calendar", header: "GB Holidays", position: "top_left", config: { calendars: [ { symbol: "calendar-check", url: "webcal://www.calendar/embed?src=en.uk%23holiday%40group.v.calendar.google.com" } ] } }, { module: "compliments", position: "lower_third" }, { module: "currentweather", position: "top_right", config: { location: "", locationID: "53.9576", //ID from http://bulk.openweathermap.org/sample/city.list.json.gz; unzip the gz file and find your city appid: "76b503a29647f3a01dd9ba1055daea6d", } }, { module: "weatherforecast", position: "top_right", header: "Weather Forecast", config: { location: "", locationID: "53.9576", //ID from http://bulk.openweathermap.org/sample/city.list.json.gz; unzip the gz file and find your city appid: "76b503a29647f3a01dd9ba1055daea6d", } } { module: "newsfeed", position: "bottom_bar", config: feeds: [ { title: "BBC", url: "http://WWW.BBC.com/services/xml/rss/bbc/HomePage.xml", } ], showSourceTitle: true, showPublishDate: true, broadcastNewsFeeds: false, broadcastNewsUpdates: true, } }, ] }; /*************** DO NOT EDIT THE LINE BELOW ***************/ if (typeof module !== "undefined") {module.exports = config;}
@geo missing the /* as the 1st line
@geo here is the fixed up config
run thru npm run config:check til no errors
missing comma and open {
/* * * By Michael Teeuw http://michaelteeuw.nl * MIT Licensed. * * For more information how you can configurate this file * See https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror#configuration * */ var config = { address: "localhost", // Address to listen on, can be: // - "localhost", "", "::1" to listen on loopback interface // - another specific IPv4/6 to listen on a specific interface // - "", "", "::" to listen on any interface // Default, when address config is left out, is "localhost" port: 8080, ipWhitelist: ["", "::ffff:", "::1"], // Set [] to allow all IP addresses // or add a specific IPv4 of : // ["", "::ffff:", "::1", "::ffff:"], // or IPv4 range of --> use CIDR format : // ["", "::ffff:", "::1", "::ffff:"], language: "en", timeFormat: 24, units: "metric", modules: [ { module: "alert", }, { module: "updatenotification", position: "top_bar" }, { module: "clock", position: "top_left" }, { module: "calendar", header: "GB Holidays", position: "top_left", config: { calendars: [ { symbol: "calendar-check", url: "webcal://www.calendar/embed?src=en.uk%23holiday%40group.v.calendar.google.com" } ] } }, { module: "compliments", position: "lower_third" }, { module: "currentweather", position: "top_right", config: { location: "", locationID: "53.9576", //ID from http://bulk.openweathermap.org/sample/city.list.json.gz; unzip the gz file and find your city appid: "76b503a29647f3a01dd9ba1055daea6d", } }, { module: "weatherforecast", position: "top_right", header: "Weather Forecast", config: { location: "", locationID: "53.9576", //ID from http://bulk.openweathermap.org/sample/city.list.json.gz; unzip the gz file and find your city appid: "76b503a29647f3a01dd9ba1055daea6d", } }, { module: "newsfeed", position: "bottom_bar", config: { feeds: [ { title: "BBC", url: "http://WWW.BBC.com/services/xml/rss/bbc/HomePage.xml", } ], showSourceTitle: true, showPublishDate: true, broadcastNewsFeeds: false, broadcastNewsUpdates: true, } }, ] }; /*************** DO NOT EDIT THE LINE BELOW ***************/ if (typeof module !== "undefined") {module.exports = config;}
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /home/pi/.npm/_logs/2019-11-16T14_09_4 code_text ``
@geo needs to be done from inside the MagicMirror folder…
@sdetweil hi after another attempt i find the config is empty all that is available is the sample
@geo i posted the corrected config.js above, cut/paste it back into the ~/MagicMiror/config/config.js file
@geo would it be better to delete and re install