Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Clock Clock 24
@cmgp looks good. Have fun programming it :-D
Seriously, the mirror has proven not to be very strong with animations. You could think about leaving the animations out.
I think that would miss the fun part. -
Do you mean it
@Piranha1605 @cmgp LOL!
@lavolp3 Actually the programmer posted the code too bad i can’t make a module:
.art- var d = 0;
while d < 4
- var c = 0;
while c < 6
svg(class=clock clock--${d * 6 + c}
width=“100” height=“100” viewBox=“0 0 100 100”)
path(class=“clock-smallHand” d=“M50,47 C48.3431458,47 47,48.3431458 47,50 C47,51.6568542 48.3431458,53 50,53 L95,53 L95,47 L50,47 Z” stroke=“none” fill=“#4A4A4A” fill-rule=“evenodd”)
path(class=“clock-largeHand” d=“M50,47 C48.3431458,47 47,48.3431458 47,50 C47,51.6568542 48.3431458,53 50,53 L100,53 L100,47 L50,47 Z” stroke=“none” fill=“#4A4A4A” fill-rule=“evenodd”)
- c++
- d++
h1 Clock Clock 24
small Code
a(href=“”) Manuel Wieser
small Design
a(href=“”) Humans since 1982
html {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
}body {
min-height: 100%;display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
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color: #4a4a4a;cursor: default;
}.art {
cursor: zoom-in;
margin: 5vw 0;
}.art–full {
cursor: zoom-out;
}.text {
margin-bottom: 5vw;
text-align: center;
}a {
color: lighten(#4a4a4a, 25%);
text-decoration: none;
}.digit {
float: left;
}.clock {
–small-hand: -135deg;
–large-hand: -45deg;margin: .3vw; // 3px
width: 10vw;
height: 10vw;border-radius: 50%;
box-shadow: inset 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .25);float: left;
&:nth-of-type(2n+1) {
clear: left;
.clock-largeHand {
transform-origin: 50px center;
transition: transform 10s;
}.clock-smallHand {
transform: rotateZ(var(–small-hand));
}.clock-largeHand {
transform: rotateZ(var(–large-hand));
}.s-hidden {
display: none;
}.trigger {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
width: 25%;
height: 5vw;
cursor: help;
}.trigger–left {
left: 0;
}.trigger–right {
right: 0;
const digits = [
[ // 0
{ hour: 6, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 9, minute: 30 },
{ hour: 6, minute: 0 },
{ hour: 0, minute: 30 },
{ hour: 3, minute: 0 },
{ hour: 0, minute: 45 }
], [ // 1
{ hour: 7.5, minute: 37.5 },
{ hour: 6, minute: 30 },
{ hour: 7.5, minute: 37.5 },
{ hour: 6, minute: 0 },
{ hour: 7.5, minute: 37.5 },
{ hour: 0, minute: 0 }
], [ // 2
{ hour: 3, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 9, minute: 30 },
{ hour: 6, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 0, minute: 45 },
{ hour: 0, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 9, minute: 45 }
], [ // 3
{ hour: 3, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 9, minute: 30 },
{ hour: 3, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 9, minute: 0 },
{ hour: 3, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 9, minute: 0 }
], [ // 4
{ hour: 6, minute: 30 },
{ hour: 6, minute: 30 },
{ hour: 0, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 6, minute: 0 },
{ hour: 7.5, minute: 37.5 },
{ hour: 0, minute: 0 }
], [ // 5
{ hour: 6, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 9, minute: 45 },
{ hour: 0, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 6, minute: 45 },
{ hour: 3, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 0, minute: 45 }
], [ // 6
{ hour: 6, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 9, minute: 45 },
{ hour: 6, minute: 0 },
{ hour: 6, minute: 45 },
{ hour: 0, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 0, minute: 45 }
], [ // 7
{ hour: 3, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 6, minute: 45 },
{ hour: 7.5, minute: 37.5 },
{ hour: 6, minute: 0 },
{ hour: 7.5, minute: 37.5 },
{ hour: 0, minute: 0 }
], [ // 8
{ hour: 6, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 6, minute: 45 },
{ hour: 0, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 0, minute: 45 },
{ hour: 0, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 0, minute: 45 }
], [ // 9
{ hour: 6, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 6, minute: 45 },
{ hour: 3, minute: 0 },
{ hour: 6, minute: 0 },
{ hour: 3, minute: 15 },
{ hour: 0, minute: 45 }
];const happyDigit = Array(6).fill({ hour: 22.5, minute: 7.5 });
const neutralDigit = Array(6).fill({ hour: 7.5, minute: 7.5 });function showSpecialState(digit) {
for (let x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
setDigit(x, digit);
window.setTimeout(() => startClock(), 10000);
}document.querySelector(‘.trigger–left’).addEventListener(‘click’, e => {
});document.querySelector(‘.trigger–right’).addEventListener(‘click’, e => {
});window.addEventListener(‘keydown’, e => {
const h = 72;
const n = 78;
if (h === e.keyCode) {
if (n === e.keyCode) {
});document.querySelector(‘.art’).addEventListener(‘click’, e => {
})function hourToDegrees(hour) {
return hour * (360 / 12) - 90;
}function minuteToDegrees(minute) {
return minute * (360 / 60) - 90;
}function setHands(id, hour, minute) {
const clock = document.querySelector(.clock--${id}
,${hourToDegrees(hour) + 360}deg
,${minuteToDegrees(minute) - 360}deg
}function setDigit(id, values) {
for (let x = 0; x < 6; x++) {
setHands(id * 6 + x, values[x].hour, values[x].minute);
}function setTime(time) {
setDigit(0, digits[time.charAt(0)]);
setDigit(1, digits[time.charAt(1)]);
setDigit(2, digits[time.charAt(3)]);
setDigit(3, digits[time.charAt(4)]);
}let state;
let interval;function startClock() {
state = ‘----’;
interval = window.setInterval(() => {
const time = new Date( + 10000).toTimeString();
if (time !== state) {
state = time;
}, 1000);
}function stopClock() {
- var d = 0;
Download the zip file from codepen and load everything with MMM-iFrame or with my MMM-Watchstore.
@Piranha1605 Thanks for the help works perfectly with watchstore couldn’t get it to work with iframe.