Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Module position
I’m a novice, now I’ve built the first mirror. I want to position a module in a certain area, I tried with:
module: “MMM-MoonPhase”,
position: {
left: calc (100 vh - 50%),
top: calc (100wv - 40%)
config: {But it does not work. How should the code be written? Thanks
@George Hi, you use the defined “regions”:
Like this, this is from my config:{ disabled: false, module: "MMM-MoonPhase", position: "top_right", // This is the region... config: { updateInterval: 43200000, hemisphere: "N", resolution: "detailed", basicColor: "white", title: true, phase: true, x: 150, y: 150, alpha: 0.7 } },
@Snille , thanks for the reply. I want to partially overlap another module over the “Moon” module. For this I need a positioning with coordinates, otherwise they will not overlap. Do you have any idea how I can do it?
@George Oh, no, not really, but I’m sure it’s possible with CSS, so it would be in your “custom.css” file you should do what’s needed…
Maybe some one else knows? :)