@ahmed245275111 your node/npm level is below the required for this module
mm 2.26 requires node version 18 or above
if you used my mm install or upgrade scripts it would have handled that for you.
I deleted the duplicate topic
im so sorry but I don’t understand it. like I wrote I can see the examples in my Mqtt broker.
when I change in my broker the messages I can also see in the log from the mirror that it changed this values but how can I trigger with this a alert for example or a notification? what I have to configure? in the config.js file by the module: MMM-MQTT-Bridge? when yes what? I copy the examples already.
I updated MMM-birthdays to add the ability to turn off the module when there are no bdays to show.
Also added the ability to update the name of the title/header
Pull request here: https://github.com/amitchone/MMM-birthdays/pull/10
My fork, if you want to install and test it.
Thank you Adam for writing this module.
Hello everyone,
Does someone already integrated sensor type MH-4R (Intelligent Infrared Gas Module) as a module into his/her MagicMirror?
It measure the air quality and give you the “parts per million” (unit ppm) back.
Sensor is tested and working with the following:
mkdir co2
cd co2
git clone https://github.com/IT-Berater/mh-z19.git
cd mh-z19
sudo python -m mh_z19
{‚co2‘: 668}
@jordans not possible w default calendar
but displaying once a week for a weekly is what calendars do… (even tho u may ignore it in the what chart type view)
Is it possible to make an Module which Shows the Overview in the Arcgis Website e.g. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/ffe90c7ec3f540b1b1d30a4fdef6fd00
So Stats Like active positive etc. and maybe also multiple Arcgis links dir different regions?
Thank you
@George Oh, no, not really, but I’m sure it’s possible with CSS, so it would be in your “custom.css” file you should do what’s needed…
Maybe some one else knows? :)
i had the same problem and changed type: “wDataCurrent”, to type: “current”, because in the folder /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/default/weather i found the files
now is runs