Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
how alert trigger
Hello guys, first of all sorry about my english 😅
i want find a way th trigger a alert wehn my washmaschine is finish. im using iobroker for my homeassistent. i was thinking maybe is it possible to do this with the adapter simple-api where i get the state with a url ( true/false) but how can i trigger a alert when the state change.someone a idea? or maybe a other way, mqtt or something?
@fischi87 Hi, you could i.e. connect the mirror to iobroker with my MMM-MQTTbridge module and send a notification to the alert module depending of the state change.
Thanks for ur reply. I See this already but i dont know how to send the trigger u know what i mean? Maybe do u have a example for me?
wishmaster270 Module Developerlast edited by wishmaster270 Feb 13, 2024, 10:39 AM Feb 13, 2024, 10:38 AM
@fischi87 Hi and sorry. I use node red instead of iobroker and do not have a glue of it.
You will need a MQTT integration in iobroker, a MQTT broker and the MQTT module in the mirror.
If the device changes state iobroker gets notice of it and sends a message to a MQTT topic.
You can subscribe to this topic with the MQTT module in the mirror and initiate a notification with it.
The alert module can display the message in the notification in the result. -
@fischi87 Sorry, do not know where I read iobroker but Home Assistant has a MQTT integration, too.
@fischi87 do you mean send notification? for send trigger?
iobroker have also a MQTT instance. so maybe I will give it a try. but the readme looks difficult :-)
like I wrote I want see a alert in my mirror that shows me the Washer finished washing. the question is how I can trigger the alert or maybe a notification, is also a idea. when I think about. how can I do it, do u have a idea?
@fischi87 @wishmaster270 gave you the answer with his MQTTBridge module
hears the mqtt message and can send a notification to the alert module.
you configure both
hello again, I connected now this modul with my broker but how can I send a notification to the alert model? this I don’t understand right now. maybe u or someone else can help me in this topic please?