Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read dates from file and do a compare
It now works, I can get data into my new object.
My new json file look like this:
{ "RecyclingDates": [ { "Type": "House", "Date": "02.01.2021"}, { "Type": "House", "Date": "08.01.2021"}, { "Type": "House", "Date": "15.01.2021"}, { "Type": "Glass", "Date": "22.01.2021"}, { "Type": "Glass", "Date": "29.01.2021"}, { "Type": "Glass", "Date": "05.02.2021"}, { "Type": "Garden", "Date": "12.02.2021"}, { "Type": "Garden", "Date": "19.02.2021"}, { "Type": "Garden", "Date": "26.02.2021"}, { "Type": "Garden", "Date": "05.03.2021"}, { "Type": "Big", "Date": "12.03.2021"}, { "Type": "Big", "Date": "19.03.2021"}, { "Type": "Big", "Date": "26.03.2021"} ] }
I get this object output:
Object RecyclingDates: Array(13) 0: Type: "House" Date: "02.01.2021" __proto__: Object 1: Type: "House" Date: "08.01.2021" __proto__: Object 2: {Type: "House", Date: "15.01.2021"} 3: {Type: "Glass", Date: "22.01.2021"} 4: {Type: "Glass", Date: "29.01.2021"} 5: {Type: "Glass", Date: "05.02.2021"} 6: {Type: "Garden", Date: "12.02.2021"} 7: {Type: "Garden", Date: "19.02.2021"} 8: {Type: "Garden", Date: "26.02.2021"} 9: {Type: "Garden", Date: "05.03.2021"} 10: {Type: "Big", Date: "12.03.2021"} 11: {Type: "Big", Date: "19.03.2021"} 12: {Type: "Big", Date: "26.03.2021"} length: 13
I opend “0” and “1” in the object, so you can see how its stored in the object.
How do I access these values in my module.js file. I hope to make a loop/compare of the array.
My plan is to show different pictures according to the Type and if the Date is equale to current date. -
for( let entry of object.RecylingDates){ if (entry.Type ==='House'){ if(entry.Date==='........'){ } } }
you can use moment().format(???)
where ??? is the layout of yiur date strings to get something for today, tomorrow… -
I have this now, and this is working.
for(let type of Object.keys(obj)){ var date = obj[type]; console.log(type, date); }
This will show the correct type and date.
But I have something in mind, that look like this:if date === currentdate { picture=type+"Div"} ex: 20.02.2021 === 20.02.2021 then var piture= "bigDiv"
picture is then displayed.
but this have to be a loop, because there can be same dates but with different types(pictures)
Does this gives any meaning? its hard to descripe, but I’m realy glad for all the help I get.
@bravooscar as i said u can use the js library moment().format(‘’) to get today in string to compare
see the online doc for exact syntax
That I know. I allready have the actual date and the date from the array,
Im unsure of how to get all the dates and all the types from the array, so if there are more of the same dates, then there are more types taht has to be displayed. -
@bravooscar u are usuing object.keys() to.loop.over the array this only gives u unique entries, house, …
i would use my loop, which covers every entry.
i dont understand your file data -
Thanks for all the help.
I ended the project because I found a module that allready hat the function that I was looking for.You came up with some good information, thx for the help.