Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-Carousel not displaying
@pastormingle So, what @sdetweil meant was that in the terminal window in the ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Carousel/ folder you should run the command
git remote -v
and post the output of that.For me it is:
origin (fetch) origin (push)
@mumblebaj hm… that one also works… (but works without position, but doesn’t have a getDom function)
the sabatm version has page indicator buttons u can push too… -
@sdetweil Ah, now I understand the earlier differences. We were looking at different modules. Which one is @pastormingle using?
@mumblebaj still waiting for that info
@sdetweil Unless there is a 3rd one that we are not aware of…:face_with_monocle:
@mumblebaj yeh, I posted a fix to the one I was using, after it stopped working on 2.14 -
@sdetweil And there is this one as well: -
@mumblebaj yep, thats the newest… 9months old, shbatm is 3 years, and the barnaby is 5 years old
@sdetweil Lets see which one he is using. I am off to bed. Been a long day.