Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
I am trying to build a magic mirror and would like to use the brackets shown in this tutorial
I have downloaded the 3D print file on the site and sent it to a few 3D printing services but they all have said that the file can’t be used as the measurements stated are too small (I don’t know how or if the .stl file can be edited), does anyone know where I can get or purchase brackets that can be used for a magic mirror.
Any help would be much appreciated.
@dpoleon Home Depot or any hardware store should have heavy duty interior angle brackets that will do the trick.
If you look at my mirror, you can see the aluminum brackets holding the wooden channels for my monitor. The one at the lower left corner is fairly visible. Something like that should be right up your alley.
@bhepler Thanks for the quick reply…where can I see your magic mirror?
@bhepler Excellent!..thank you so much for your help!