Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Problem with sending socket notification to module
(sorry if this is a re-post, I made a post but couldn’t find it later. Admin can remove this post if needed)
I’m new to MagicMirror, but I have a problem with two swedish modules:
MMM-Weather-SMHI-HourlyWhen I’m using them I get the same problem:
Notifications from module to helper works fine
Notifications from helper to module does not work (notifications never received).I don’t know how to handle this problem. I’ve spent a day with debug logs now, but I’m nowhere close to a solution.
I would be so happy if someone with knowledge about the communication procedures could look into these two modules and see if they perhaps haven’t been updated after a “core-functionality” change.
Per Badlund, Sweden -
@PerBa can u show your code in node helper to send?
Usually the problem is that the ‘this’ pointer is inside some API callback, and not pointing to the node_helper instance.
‘this’ is always troublesome.
That is why many module save ‘this’ at start time in ‘self’ and use ‘self’ instead of ‘this’
Re: Problem with sending socket notification to module
The line of code that sends the notification is:
getDepartures: function () { var self = this; ... self.sendSocketNotification('DEPARTURES', CurrentDeparturesArray);
the corresponding code in the module is:
socketNotificationReceived: function (notification, payload) {'MODULE:: received notification');"Received Notification" + notification); if (notification === 'DEPARTURES') {
getDepartures: function () { var self = this;
Careful. getDepartures is not called by mm, so it’s very likely that ‘this’ is NOT pointing to the node_module instance.
Save ‘this’ when u get the 1st socketnotification only. Just once.
Thanks for the help!
I don’t know what happend, but I forgot to turn off the Pi during the night. This morning the Pi had crashed. I did a power-toggle and now one of the modules (the one I cleaned up regarding the “this-self”) is working.I must look more into this.
Update: I now know what is behind the problem!!!
After a power toggle everything works OK. But when I stop and restart the MagicMirror usingpm2 stop mm
pm2 start mm
The modules stop working.
Does anybody know a better way of restarting the Magic Mirror?
I must be able to do that in order to test the changes I do to the configuration… -
@PerBa I do this start/stop a hundred times a day without problem.
I kill all the node processes
I don’t use pm2 -
@PerBa any update?