Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Clean installation of MM 2.9.0 on an Orange Pi PC sbc, armbian buster
@qu1que what install process did you use?
the base,
my updated? -
@sdetweil your process is for raspberry? I’ve just follow these steps on orange pi PC:
- Donwload buster server image from armbian web
- Update & Upgrade, configure locales, etc.
- Install full desktop from armbian-config
- I’ve followed these steps from MM github:
- Finally rename ~/MagicMirror/config/config.js.sample to config.js
That’s all.
@qu1que ok, even more manual…
my script does all that plus pm2. and screen saver turn off…
any os… mac, ubuntu, pi stretch, buster, pi0 thru pi 4, odroid, jetson nano, sure others… -
Oh! I’ve forgot to turn off screen saver…:anguished_face:
Maybe tomorrow I can try your script and tell if it works too on this board.
@qu1que cool, that would be good feedback
@sdetweil I’m going to try your installation script on the Orange Pi PC.
Do I only have to launch this command?
bash -c “$(curl -sL”
@qu1que Yes, that’s it
Well. MM installed Perfect with @sdetweil script on an Orange Pi PC board.
Very good Job! -
@qu1que Thx. And set the screen saver?
@sdetweil yes, On installation scirpt last step, I’ve disabled screensaver. It’s a good idea to include that option.