Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
rpi3 picame frame stream
Ahoj vsem. pekne rano, odpoledne i vecer.po dvou dnech pokusu a omylu se mi podarilo ze stranky githubu mm2 jednoradkove stahnout a zprovoznit magic mirror2 na svem rpi3b+ a spojene hdmi s monitorem.cely jeden den jsem koukal jake jsou zpravy z news rss,kdy je v americe vanocni rano a kolik je u Vas stupnu F. Jak jste pochopily doufam jsem Evropan,czech. Po probdele noci a studovani a registracich jsem uspesne zvladl nastavit svuj jazyk,kalendar,rss i pocasi.happy vety jsem nechtel prekladat a rss ctecku taky odstranil. Hlidaci pes pokud rpi zamrzne se stejne nespusti,tudiz jsem i toto vypustil. uspesne jsem na misto rss zobrazil stav rpi. s timto jsem naprosto spokojen a uz bych zvladl kompletni zavedeni i poslepu. Ale me hledani, co vic…? jsem neskoncil. Bohuzel jsem narazil i na jeden velice negativni,ovsem realny clanek. Pan v nem popisoval ze bastliri (dyi) jsou sebevrazi,kdyz to ma byt montovano do koupelny bez jakehokoliv IP normy a vseho vcetne monitoru bez krytu pouze skryte drevem ramu.ale konstatovani clanku bylo v tom ze je to vlastne nepouzitelne. proto jsem zacal hledat jak vlozit live stream picamery do frame v magicmirror2. ale nejsem schopen to poskladat. navic bych rad at uz zrcadlo nebo jen rpi ovladal hlasem.bohuzel je vsude pouze usb mikrofon nebo usb webcamera s mikrofonem vestavenym. Vlastnim bt heansfree reproduktor,ktery podporuje prenos zvuku z telefonu nebo zarizeni tam i zpet. v instalaci mam nainstalovany program ktery timto vladne a jsem schopny pripojit bt hf jako reproduktor i mikrofon. Ale pri zkusebnim testu zavedeni snimkovani pripojene a nakonfigurovane povoleni pro camera-slot,ale terminal pri rasptill prikazu pro foto na desktop napise ze kameru nenasel a ze neni pripojena.skoro rocni praci jsem ztratil,protoze nemam dostatek mikro sd karet 10-class min 8gb.a usb instalaci jsem kvuli nadseni z funkce magicmirroru2 na monitoru unesen nemenim.abych o toto neprisel.pri vlozeni sd karty z rpi do pc. se mi ukazaly 4 disky,dva nedostupne a dva na kterych byl system ale pri prohledani stromu soubru windows nic neasel co bych mohl zalohovat a usblinux noob raspbian full jsem nenasel ktery by mi fungoval.takze toto zatim taky bez moznosti. ale k veci. asi jsem kameru odvaril,nebo je poskozeny flex kabel ohybem.da se to zjisti jeste nejak? a jak dostat i treba z rj45 720hd camery frame do zrcadla? vim ze teoreticky je to lehke,ale prakticky to napsat nebo poskladat nejsem schopen. a pokud nekdo mate na github hlasove ovladani pres gpio na ledpasek pomoci optoclenu a zapinani radia,byl bych moc vdecny. prakticky si tim chci dokazat ze to neni zbytecne a pokud se mi podari dojit az sem… mam sen ze bych udelal zrcadlo v pokoji jako jarvis,ale uz mam nazev a hlas vymysleny. v titulku videa na youtube pro magicmirror2 moduly a hlasove ovladani je pod zrcadlem pocitacme vykreslena zelena hlava AI. to me moc nadchlo.chci propojit led pasek na hlasove ovladani svetlo,jeden prikaz jako tlacitko se zmenou stavu pri kazdem jednom zmacknuti.a pod zrcadlo chci umystit picameru,ktera by fungovala na opencv rozpoznavani obliceju. vydely jste v harry potrovy 2 jak prisel do domu tech zrzku a jak prisly tak se presunuly jejich postavy do home. na toto chci vyuzit asistenta,ktery kdyz se zeptam jak bude nasledujici pulhodinu na cestu do prace zda si brat destnik,nebo lahev vody. a rozpozna kdo je v dome a s kazdym navaze pokud to pozna z hlasu nezavaznou konzervaci. ale to uz jsem v hudbe budoucnosti.obzvlast pro me znalosti.dekuji za vsechny rady, podnety a hodne uspechy pri bastleni. K
@KennyDeDavionCZ in mostly english
Hi to all. after two days of trial and error, I managed to download and launch magic mirror2 on my rpi3b + and connected hdmi to monitor.col one day from github mm2 website. america Christmas morning and how much is your grade F. leni.
if you understand I hope I am European, czech.
After waking up the night and studying and registering, I successfully managed to set up my language, calendar, rss and pocasi. happy sentences I did not want to translate and rss reader also removed.
Watchdog if rpi freezes will not start anyway, so I also deleted this. I successfully displayed the rpi status instead of rss. with this I am absolutely satisfied and I would manage to complete implementation and blindfolding.
But I’m looking for what more…?
I am not finished.
Unfortunately, I came across a very negative, but a real story. The man described in him of the bastliri (dyi) are suicides when it should be mounted in the bathroom without any IP standards and all including the monitor without cover just hide the wood ramu.ale statement article was that it is actually unusable.
so I started looking for how to embed live stream picamers into a frame in magicmirror2. but I’m not able to put it together. in addition, I would like to have a mirror or just rpi controlled voice.
I own a bt heansfree speaker that supports the transfer of sound from the phone or the device there and back. In the installation I have installed a program that this government and I am able to connect bt hf as a speaker and microphone.
But during the trial, the imaging of connected and configured camera-slot permissions was enabled, but the terminal did not find the camera when it came to rasptill for a desktop photo command and was not connected.
I lost my yearly work because I don’t have enough micro sd cards .a usb installation because of the enthusiasm of magicmirroru2 on the monitor kidnapped no change.
I showed 4 disks, two unavailable and two on which the system was but when searching the tree of windows windows neasel nothing I could back up and usblinux noob raspbian full I could not find which would work me. but to the point. I probably decocted the camera, or the flex cable is damaged by bending. and how to get i need from rj45 720hd camery frame into mirror?
I know theoretically it’s easy, but practically write or assemble it I’m not able to. and if someone has github voice control over gpio on ledpas using optoclenu and turning on the radio, I would be very grateful. practically I want to prove it is not unnecessary and if I manage to milk up here …
I have a dream of making a mirror in a room like jarvis, but I have a name and a voice invented.
In the headline of the video on youtube for magicmirror2 modules and voice control, a green AI head is displayed under the mirror. I want to interconnect the LED strip on the voice control light, one command as a button to change the state each time you press. you went out in harry fry 2 as the redhead came to the house and both came and moved their characters to home.
For this I want to use an assistant, when I ask how it will be in the next half an hour to travel to work, whether you brother or a bottle of water. and recognize who is in the house and make everybody if
they recognize it from the voice non-binding conservation.but I am already in the music of the future. Especially for my knowledge. I thank you for all the advice, suggestions and much success in the poetry.