Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
After update, chrome-sandbox needs root and mode 4655?
- Cat package.json
pi@pi_mirror:~/MagicMirror $ cat package.json { "name": "magicmirror", "version": "2.11.0-develop", "description": "The open source modular smart mirror platform.", "main": "js/electron.js", "scripts": { "start": "./", "install": "cd vendor && npm install", "install-fonts": "cd fonts && npm install", "postinstall": "sh && sh installers/postinstall/ && npm run install-fonts", "test": "NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha tests --recursive", "test:unit": "NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha tests/unit --recursive", "test:e2e": "NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha tests/e2e --recursive", "config:check": "node tests/configs/check_config.js", "lint": "grunt" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git+" }, "keywords": [ "magic mirror", "smart mirror", "mirror UI", "modular" ], "author": "Michael Teeuw", "contributors": [ "" ], "license": "MIT", "bugs": { "url": "" }, "homepage": "", "devDependencies": { "chai": "^4.1.2", "chai-as-promised": "^7.1.1", "current-week-number": "^1.0.7", "danger": "^3.1.3", "grunt": "latest", "grunt-eslint": "latest", "grunt-jsonlint": "latest", "grunt-markdownlint": "latest", "grunt-stylelint": "latest", "grunt-yamllint": "latest", "http-auth": "^3.2.3", "jsdom": "^11.6.2", "jshint": "^2.10.2", "mocha": "^7.0.0", "mocha-each": "^1.1.0", "mocha-logger": "^1.0.6", "spectron": "^8.0.0", "stylelint": "latest", "stylelint-config-standard": "latest", "time-grunt": "latest" }, "optionalDependencies": { "electron": "^6.1.7" }, "dependencies": { "colors": "^1.1.2", "console-stamp": "^0.2.9", "express": "^4.16.2", "express-ipfilter": "^1.0.1", "feedme": "latest", "helmet": "^3.21.2", "iconv-lite": "latest", "lodash": "^4.17.15", "module-alias": "^2.2.2", "moment": "latest", "request": "^2.88.0", "rrule": "^2.6.2", "rrule-alt": "^2.2.8", "simple-git": "^1.85.0", "": "^2.1.1", "valid-url": "latest" }, "_moduleAliases": { "node_helper": "js/node_helper.js" } } pi@pi_mirror:~/MagicMirror $
- GIT Status:
pi@pi_mirror:~/MagicMirror $ git status On branch develop Your branch is behind 'origin/develop' by 17 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: css/main.css Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) InstallGuideURL.txt MMM-EventHorizon/ READ_ME.txt core css/customOLD.css modules/default/calendar/calendar1.js modules/default/compliments/compliments.js.ORIG modules/default/compliments/compliments.json modules/default/compliments/compliments2.js no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
- Node Version:
pi@pi_mirror:~/MagicMirror $ node -v v6.9.5
- NPM Version:
pi@pi_mirror:~/MagicMirror $ npm -v 3.10.10
thx, so you are on the
branch with electron 6.x -
@karsten13 and old node and npm
yes, saw that, but my tests were run with
node@pi4:/opt/magic_mirror$ node -v v13.5.0 node@pi4:/opt/magic_mirror$ npm -v 6.13.4
@karsten13 u are ok, he is downlevel…
installer is still only checking node 10 minimum… should I change it?
thats your decision, this problem seems unrelated to the node/npm version, but so old stuff can cause other problems, so may you should warn at least …
@karsten13 if installer is used, i upgrade to latest 10.x, and latest npm… don’t warn
o.k., so your question was about using a newer node version than 10? Maybe the latest lts version, I’m not sure, think this is 12.
@karsten13 both 10 and 12 are lts, 12 just started, 10 entering maint in April, 12 enters maint in october
Release Status Codename Initial Release Active LTS Start Maintenance LTS Start End-of-life
v10 Active LTS Dubnium 2018-04-24 2018-10-30 2020-04-01 2021-04-30
v12 Active LTS Erbium 2019-04-23 2019-10-21 2020-10-21 2022-04-30 -
Would it be advisable then, regardless of the chrome-sandbox issue, to update NODE and NPM on my MM?
If so how, and to which version of each?