Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Mac node version
@Mahieedaboss why didn’t you use my script… it gets things done right…
my catalina
sams-Mac-4:~ sam$ node -v v10.17.0 sams-Mac-4:~ sam$ npm -v 6.11.3
could you please please please link them here because I want an easy way to do this. Quick question, is this just Magic Mirror or MM, AI and fr?
does this upgrade node to the needed version and all that? -
@Mahieedaboss select the tab labeled console in the window to the right
you are in the elements tab -
@Mahieedaboss said in Mac node version:
could you please please please link them here because I want an easy way to do this. Quick question, is this just Magic Mirror or MM, AI and fr?
does this upgrade node to the needed version and all that?link what? my installer script installs the latest at the time of install…
that is catalina, in a VMWare workstaion virtual machine, running Magic Mirror, with the MMM-ImagesPhtotos background images from my server, and my calendar using the default cal module
and a couple of my modules running…the best thing would be to uninstall nodejs with brew, remove the MM folder, and then run my installer script from
just read the readme and cut/paste the appropriate command