Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Change to Server only
I have set up MM on an RPi4 and got my modules all up and running the way I want, but im wondering how can I switch this to be a server only set up?
I installed using the curl install script, and every time I try and close the browser kiosk it reopens a few seconds later. Tried setting serverOnly to true in the config.js but it doesnt seem to have any effect. I’m guessing its because of pm2 but I’m a bit lost on how to stop this from happening. Please help :) -
@Pijwarren the serverOnly config setup was removed when they took out the
you can add it back… by downloading the script from here ~/MagicMirror curl -sL >
make sure its executable
chmod +x ./
then edit the package.json and change the start script from
"start": "DISPLAY=\"${DISPLAY:=:0}\" ./node_modules/.bin/electron js/electron
but the restart is because of pm2… its job is to keep MM running…
so, open a command prompt and type
pm2 stop 0
once u use the script, u can change modes in config.js and still keep the pm2 auto running
if u want to do it manually , you will have to do
cd ~/MagicMirror node serveronly
I built up to help make it easier for everyone to get their system up and running
and provide this configuration capability, but the project didn’t want the responsibility to maintain
the install, upgrade and run-start scripts -
@sdetweil Cheers for the quick reply, I’ll have a run at the in the morning!
@Pijwarren cool… I should add that they added a new run script to do this too
npm run server