Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Is it possible to ad an Arduino?
@Shinji0912 says json.parse failed. are u sending json formatted data as required?
@sdetweil Im not sure about that …
Like i said im a reallyyy bloody newbie… sry :C#include #include "DHT.h" #define DHTPIN 2 #define DHTTYPE 11 DHT dht (DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); void setup() { Wire.begin(); Serial.begin(9600); dht.begin(); } void loop() { delay(2000); float temp = dht.readTemperature(); float rel_hum = dht.readHumidity(); if (isnan(rel_hum) || isnan(temp)) { Serial.println(F("Daten vom Sensor konnten nicht gelesen werden!")); return; } float hif = dht.computeHeatIndex(rel_hum); float hic = dht.computeHeatIndex(temp, rel_hum, false); Serial.print(F("Luftfeuchtigkeit: ")); Serial.print(rel_hum); Serial.print(F("% Temperatur: ")); Serial.print(temp); Serial.print(F("°C ")); Serial.println(F("")); }
this is the arduino code
When i tried to rewrite the given code by ArduPorts it didn’t even showed me the temperature in the SerialMonitor this was the sketch ;
volatile int32_t m_counter = 0; bool WasStarted = false; static const char *pcDHT11Prefix = "[sensor:DHT11:"; static const char *pcPostfix = "]"; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); while(!Serial); Serial.println("[status:setup:starting]"); Serial.println("[sensor:DHT11:11]"); int test = 1; m_counter = test; if(test > 1) { WasStarted = false; Serial.println("[status:setup:failed]"); return; } delay(3000); WasStarted = true; Serial.println("[status:setup:started]"); delay(100); } void loop() { Serial.print(m_counter + 11); Serial.println(pcPostfix); if(m_counter % 3 == 0) { delay(1000); Serial.print(pcDHT11Prefix); Serial.print(m_counter + 11); Serial.println(pcPostfix); delay(2000); } if(m_counter >= 60) m_counter = 0; m_counter++; delay(1000); }
EDIT 2 :
This is what the Arduino SerialOutput looks like in NoteRed
( using the Rewritten ArduPorts Sketch)
: -
@Shinji0912 use one of the online json validators to check your messages
@Shinji0912 only what u send(println) not the whole sketch
json, all text strings must be in double quotes
sample shows sketch sending sensor info -
@sdetweil U mean like this?
{ Serial.println("pcPostfix)" }{ "Serial.println(""[status:setup:starting]"")" }{ "Serial.println(""[sensor:DHT11:11]"")" }{ "Serial.println(""[status:setup:failed]"")" }
@Shinji0912 see prior post
Edit : Im really sorry for my Stupidity normally im a really quick learner and i understand things pretty fast but i got kind off lost at this point… but im sooo thankful for your help in general without you i wouldn’t even been able to get the right SerialPort name…soo thank u soo much so far ^^ and sry for using your time , but i wouldn’t ask if i could do it myself :/
@Shinji0912 you can only send the sensor values in the sketch loop() function,
the rest is is used for getting connected to the matching code in the python scriptthey do
arduino, hey, are u there?
python script, yes, ready for sensor valuesarduino, once a second, or whatever frequency
hey, here is sensor:???:value
@sdetweil Ok , so based on that i have rewritten my whole Script and added just a few comments so maybe you will understand my thoughts about it…
#include <dht_nonblocking.h> #include <Wire.h> #define DHT_SENSOR_TYPE DHT_TYPE_11 static const char DHT_SENSOR_PIN = 2; DHT_nonblocking dht_sensor( DHT_SENSOR_PIN, DHT_SENSOR_TYPE ); void setup() { Wire.begin(); Serial.begin(9600); //Verbindung zum Raspberry aufbauen // Connect to the Raspberry start ArduPort connection Serial.println("[status:setup:starting]"); Serial.println("[status:setup:started]"); } // Messungen Definieren //Define Measurment Names static bool messung_t( float *temperatur, float *feuchtigkeit) { static unsigned long messung_t = millis( ); if( millis( ) - messung_t > 3000ul ) { if( dht_sensor.measure( temperatur, feuchtigkeit ) == true) { messung_t = millis( ); return( true ); } } return ( false ); } void loop() { //Übermitteln der Daten an ArduPorts //sending informations to ArduPorts float temperatur; float feuchtigkeit; Serial.print( "[sensor:DHT11:" ); Serial.print(temperatur, 1 ); Serial.println("]"); delay(2000); }
I thought it is going to work this time but on the mirror it is still : “waiting for connection”
but my Console log when starting the mirror shows me that the ArduPorts reads the Temperature (because a slightly mistake (but should still work) the Temperature is always 0.0)
Console Log :
[2020-09-22 16:24:17.982] [LOG] Launching application. [2020-09-22 16:24:21.437] [LOG] Create new calendar fetcher for url: - Interval: 300000 [2020-09-22 16:24:21.624] [LOG] MMM-RBB-Weather[22.9.2020, 16:24:21]: Load data for ID "18228265" and "0" days ... [2020-09-22 16:24:21.633] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-ArduPort [2020-09-22 16:24:21.665] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-TelegramBot [2020-09-22 16:24:21.700] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-Online-State [2020-09-22 16:24:21.733] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-RBB-Weather [2020-09-22 16:24:21.772] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-NowPlayingOnSpotify [2020-09-22 16:24:21.810] [ERROR] (node:1379) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead. [2020-09-22 16:24:21.812] [ERROR] (node:1379) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead. [2020-09-22 16:24:21.956] [LOG] MMM-RBB-Weather[22.9.2020, 16:24:21]: Fetch data for day "0" ... [2020-09-22 16:24:21.999] [LOG] { debug: 'SerialPort shell started...' } [2020-09-22 16:24:22.014] [LOG] undefined[MMM-ArduPort] SerialPort shell started... [2020-09-22 16:24:22.016] [LOG] { debug: 'Waiting Ardunio to connect on port...' } [2020-09-22 16:24:22.018] [LOG] undefined[MMM-ArduPort] Waiting Ardunio to connect on port... [2020-09-22 16:24:22.019] [LOG] { status: { name: 'connect', data: 'connected' } } [2020-09-22 16:24:22.020] [LOG] { name: 'connect', data: 'connected' } [2020-09-22 16:24:22.026] [LOG] { sensor: { name: 'DHT11', data: '0.0' } } [2020-09-22 16:24:22.031] [LOG] { sensor: { name: 'DHT11', data: '0.0' } } [2020-09-22 16:24:22.359] [LOG] { sensor: { name: 'DHT11', data: '0.0' } } [2020-09-22 16:24:22.363] [LOG] { sensor: { name: 'DHT11', data: '0.0' } } [2020-09-22 16:24:22.731] [LOG] Refreshed access token because it has expired. Expired at: 16:24:21 now is: 16:24:22 [2020-09-22 16:24:22.768] [LOG] Refreshed access token because it has expired. Expired at: 17:24:22 now is: 16:24:22 [2020-09-22 16:24:22.870] [LOG] MMM-RBB-Weather[22.9.2020, 16:24:22]: Data received, send to module ... [2020-09-22 16:24:23.104] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 0 events. [2020-09-22 16:24:23.341] [LOG] { status: { name: 'setup', data: 'starting' } } [2020-09-22 16:24:23.348] [LOG] { name: 'setup', data: 'starting' } [2020-09-22 16:24:23.723] [LOG] { status: { name: 'setup', data: 'started' } } [2020-09-22 16:24:23.727] [LOG] { name: 'setup', data: 'started' } [2020-09-22 16:24:23.731] [LOG] { sensor: { name: 'DHT11', data: '0.0' } } [2020-09-22 16:24:25.345] [LOG] { sensor: { name: 'DHT11', data: '0.0' } } [2020-09-22 16:24:27.353] [LOG] { sensor: { name: 'DHT11', data: '0.0' } } [2020-09-22 16:24:29.363] [LOG] { sensor: { name: 'DHT11', data: '0.0' } } [2020-09-22 16:24:31.374] [LOG] { sensor: { name: 'DHT11', data: '0.0' } } [2020-09-22 16:24:33.383] [LOG] { sensor: { name: 'DHT11', data: '0.0' } }