Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-SoccerLiveScore from github with username/pass
o.k. danke
bitte :)
kennst du dich auch mit dem mmm-iobroker aus bissl?
i don’t know/ sorry
is there anybody who can help me about mmm-pages??
best regards
what’s the problem about this module ? With example on github you have all explications.
Here my config{ module: "MMM-pages", disabled: false, config: { modules: [[ "MMM-Wallpaper" , "MMM-DarkSkyForecast" , "MMM-NameDay" , "MMM-RAIN-MAP" , "clock" , "newsfeed" , "MMM-VigilanceMeteoFrance" , "MMM-MoonPhase" ], [ "MMM-Wallpaper" , 'MMM-CalendarExt2' , "newsfeed" ], [ "MMM-Widget1" ], [ "MMM-Wallpaper" , "MMM-EmbedYoutube" , 'MMM-GooglePhotos' , "MMM-OnThisDay" , "MMM-Widget11" , "newsfeed" , "clock" ], [ "MMM-Wallpaper" , "MMM-EmbedYoutube" , 'MMM-GooglePhotos' , 'MMM-CoinRanking' , "MMM-Widget12" , "newsfeed" , "clock" ], [ "MMM-Wallpaper" , "MMM-Widget20", "MMM-Widget21" , "MMM-Widget18", "MMM-Widget19" ], [ "MMM-Wallpaper" , "MMM-PublicTransportHafas" , "MMM-Consumer-Flights" , "MMM-Provider-JSON" ,"clock" , "newsfeed" , "MMM-EasyPix" , "MMM-EasyPix2" ], [ "MMM-Wallpaper" , "MMM-Widget22" , "MMM-Widget23" , "MMM-Widget24"], [ "MMM-Wallpaper" , "MMM-Widget30" , "MMM-Widget31" , "MMM-Widget32"], [ "MMM-Wallpaper" , "MMM-EmbedYoutube" , 'MMM-GooglePhotos' , 'MMM-MovieListings' , "MMM-Cocktails" , "newsfeed" , "clock" ], [ "MMM-Wallpaper" , , "MMM-EmbedYoutube" , 'MMM-GooglePhotos' , "MMM-Widget13" , "clock" , "newsfeed" ], [ "MMM-Wallpaper" , "MMM-EmbedYoutube" , 'MMM-GooglePhotos' , 'MMM-SoccerLiveScore' , 'MMM-soccer' , "clock" , "newsfeed" ], [ "MMM-Wallpaper" , "MMM-EmbedYoutube" , 'MMM-GooglePhotos' , "MMM-NowPlayingOnSpotify" , "MMM-PiTemp" , "newsfeed" , "clock" ]], rotationTime: 15000, animationTime: 0, } },
don’t afraid to test with a config test with 2 or three modules…and you can see a lot of config here with research
Ok thanks,
But what must stand in [[ ]]
And what modules names must stan in [ ]
This is what i will understand
it’s easy to understand.
The line 1 is the page 1 with mmm-wallpaper, darsky nameday…
page 2 with …calendarext2, newfeed…
etc…and you have to putt all config of differents modules before with position…you have to really try with 2 or 3 modules and see the results on MagicMirror…
chassain 0…YOU ARE THE BEST!!!
Now i understand it. it was not true for me at the beginning with the [[ ]]!!
best regards