Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-SoccerLiveScore - Club Logos doesen’t show
@kusselin the api that are used to fetch the logos return an error.
That must be the reason. Also the web application from the APIs owner have the same problem ( -
Hi 0m4r, i think you have this module too…right? Thanks for ther anwer. That say me that i have to wait or i musst go to another module like mmm-soccer right?
In the developer Console of chrome there is not comming an error about the module :-(
Initializing MagicMirror. translator.js:137 Loading core translation file: translations/de.json translator.js:162 Loading core translation fallback file: translations/en.json loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-Carousel//MMM-Carousel.js module.js:517 Module registered: MMM-Carousel loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: MMM-Carousel loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: MMM-Carousel loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: MMM-Carousel loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: MMM-Carousel loader.js:176 Load script: modules/default/alert//alert.js module.js:517 Module registered: alert loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: alert loader.js:176 Load script: modules/default/alert/notificationFx.js loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: alert loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: modules/default/alert/notificationFx.css loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: vendor/css/font-awesome.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: alert translator.js:108 alert - Load translation: translations/de.json translator.js:110 alert - Load translation fallback: translations/en.json loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: alert loader.js:176 Load script: modules/default/updatenotification//updatenotification.js module.js:517 Module registered: updatenotification loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: updatenotification loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: updatenotification loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: updatenotification loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: updatenotification loader.js:176 Load script: modules/default/clock//clock.js module.js:517 Module registered: clock loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: clock loader.js:176 Load script: vendor/node_modules/moment/min/moment-with-locales.js loader.js:176 Load script: vendor/node_modules/moment-timezone/builds/moment-timezone-with-data.js loader.js:176 Load script: vendor/node_modules/suncalc/suncalc.js loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: clock loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: modules/default/clock/clock_styles.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: clock loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: clock loader.js:176 Load script: modules/default/calendar//calendar.js module.js:509 Check MagicMirror version for module 'calendar' - Minimum version: 2.1.0 - Current version: 2.14.0 module.js:511 Version is ok! module.js:517 Module registered: calendar loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: calendar loader.js:236 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: calendar loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: modules/default/calendar/calendar.css loader.js:236 File already loaded: font-awesome.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: calendar loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: calendar loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: calendar loader.js:236 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: calendar loader.js:236 File already loaded: calendar.css loader.js:236 File already loaded: font-awesome.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: calendar loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: calendar loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: calendar loader.js:236 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: calendar loader.js:236 File already loaded: calendar.css loader.js:236 File already loaded: font-awesome.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: calendar loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: calendar loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-OpenmapWeather//MMM-OpenmapWeather.js module.js:517 Module registered: MMM-OpenmapWeather loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: MMM-OpenmapWeather loader.js:236 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: MMM-OpenmapWeather loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: vendor/node_modules/weathericons/css/weather-icons.css loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-OpenmapWeather/MMM-OpenmapWeather.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: MMM-OpenmapWeather loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: MMM-OpenmapWeather loader.js:176 Load script: modules/default/weatherforecast//weatherforecast.js module.js:517 Module registered: weatherforecast loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: weatherforecast loader.js:236 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: weatherforecast loader.js:236 File already loaded: weather-icons.css loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: modules/default/weatherforecast/weatherforecast.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: weatherforecast loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: weatherforecast loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-Remote-Control//MMM-Remote-Control.js module.js:509 Check MagicMirror version for module 'MMM-Remote-Control' - Minimum version: 2.12.0 - Current version: 2.14.0 module.js:511 Version is ok! module.js:517 Module registered: MMM-Remote-Control loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: MMM-Remote-Control loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: MMM-Remote-Control loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-Remote-Control/remote-control.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: MMM-Remote-Control loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: MMM-Remote-Control loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-SoccerLiveScore//MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js module.js:517 Module registered: MMM-SoccerLiveScore loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: MMM-SoccerLiveScore loader.js:236 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: MMM-SoccerLiveScore loader.js:236 File already loaded: font-awesome.css loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-SoccerLiveScore/MMM-SoccerLiveScore.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: MMM-SoccerLiveScore loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: MMM-SoccerLiveScore loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-Formula1//MMM-Formula1.js module.js:517 Module registered: MMM-Formula1 loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: MMM-Formula1 loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: MMM-Formula1 loader.js:236 File already loaded: font-awesome.css loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-Formula1/MMM-Formula1.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: MMM-Formula1 translator.js:108 MMM-Formula1 - Load translation: translations/de.json translator.js:110 MMM-Formula1 - Load translation fallback: translations/en.json loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: MMM-Formula1 loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-Tankerkoenig//MMM-Tankerkoenig.js module.js:509 Check MagicMirror version for module 'MMM-Tankerkoenig' - Minimum version: 2.2.0 - Current version: 2.14.0 module.js:511 Version is ok! module.js:517 Module registered: MMM-Tankerkoenig loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: MMM-Tankerkoenig loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: MMM-Tankerkoenig loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-Tankerkoenig/MMM-Tankerkoenig.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: MMM-Tankerkoenig translator.js:108 MMM-Tankerkoenig - Load translation: i18n/de.json translator.js:110 MMM-Tankerkoenig - Load translation fallback: i18n/en.json loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: MMM-Tankerkoenig loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-SmartWebDisplay//MMM-SmartWebDisplay.js MMM-SmartWebDisplay.js:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) loader.js:186 Error on loading script: modules/MMM-SmartWebDisplay//MMM-SmartWebDisplay.js script.onerror @ loader.js:186 loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-ioBroker//MMM-ioBroker.js module.js:517 Module registered: MMM-ioBroker loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: MMM-ioBroker loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: MMM-ioBroker loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-ioBroker/MMM-ioBroker.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: MMM-ioBroker loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: MMM-ioBroker loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-Fuel//MMM-Fuel.js module.js:517 Module registered: MMM-Fuel loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: MMM-Fuel loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: MMM-Fuel loader.js:236 File already loaded: font-awesome.css loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-Fuel/MMM-Fuel.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: MMM-Fuel translator.js:108 MMM-Fuel - Load translation: translations/de.json translator.js:110 MMM-Fuel - Load translation fallback: translations/en.json loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: MMM-Fuel loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-PublicTransportHafas//MMM-PublicTransportHafas.js module.js:517 Module registered: MMM-PublicTransportHafas loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: MMM-PublicTransportHafas loader.js:236 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-PublicTransportHafas/core/PTHAFASDomBuilder.js loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-PublicTransportHafas/core/PTHAFASTableBodyBuilder.js loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: MMM-PublicTransportHafas loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-PublicTransportHafas/css/styles.css loader.js:236 File already loaded: font-awesome.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: MMM-PublicTransportHafas translator.js:108 MMM-PublicTransportHafas - Load translation: translations/de.json translator.js:110 MMM-PublicTransportHafas - Load translation fallback: translations/en.json loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: MMM-PublicTransportHafas loader.js:176 Load script: modules/default/compliments//compliments.js module.js:517 Module registered: compliments loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: compliments loader.js:236 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: compliments loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: compliments loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: compliments loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-Tools//MMM-Tools.js module.js:517 Module registered: MMM-Tools loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: MMM-Tools loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-Tools/configMerge.min.js configMerge.min.js:1 [@bugsounet] configMerge v1.0.0 Loaded ! loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: MMM-Tools loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-Tools/MMM-Tools.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: MMM-Tools translator.js:108 MMM-Tools - Load translation: translations/de.json translator.js:110 MMM-Tools - Load translation fallback: translations/en.json loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: MMM-Tools loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-Traffic//MMM-Traffic.js module.js:517 Module registered: MMM-Traffic loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: MMM-Traffic loader.js:236 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: MMM-Traffic loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-Traffic/traffic.css loader.js:236 File already loaded: font-awesome.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: MMM-Traffic loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: MMM-Traffic loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: MMM-Traffic loader.js:236 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: MMM-Traffic loader.js:236 File already loaded: traffic.css loader.js:236 File already loaded: font-awesome.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: MMM-Traffic loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: MMM-Traffic loader.js:176 Load script: modules/MMM-COVID19-AMPEL//MMM-COVID19-AMPEL.js module.js:517 Module registered: MMM-COVID19-AMPEL loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: MMM-COVID19-AMPEL loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: MMM-COVID19-AMPEL loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-COVID19-AMPEL/MMM-COVID19-AMPEL.css loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: MMM-COVID19-AMPEL translator.js:108 MMM-COVID19-AMPEL - Load translation: translations/de.json translator.js:110 MMM-COVID19-AMPEL - Load translation fallback: translations/en.json loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: MMM-COVID19-AMPEL loader.js:176 Load script: modules/default/newsfeed//newsfeed.js module.js:517 Module registered: newsfeed loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: newsfeed loader.js:236 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: newsfeed loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: newsfeed loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: newsfeed loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: css/custom.css module.js:45 Starting module: MMM-Carousel alert.js:165 Starting module: alert updatenotification.js:19 Start updatenotification clock.js:46 Starting module: clock 3calendar.js:85 Starting module: calendar MMM-OpenmapWeather.js:117 Starting module: MMM-OpenmapWeather weatherforecast.js:90 Starting module: weatherforecast MMM-Remote-Control.js:23 Starting module: MMM-Remote-Control MMM-Formula1.js:50 Starting module: MMM-Formula1 MMM-ioBroker.js:52 Starting module: MMM-ioBroker MMM-Fuel.js:183 Starting module: MMM-Fuel MMM-Fuel.js:186 Config option sortBy has no matching value in config option types! Falling back to first entry. start @ MMM-Fuel.js:186 MMM-PublicTransportHafas.js:43 Starting module: MMM-PublicTransportHafas with identifier: module_16_MMM-PublicTransportHafas compliments.js:38 Starting module: compliments 2MMM-Traffic.js:21 Starting module: MMM-Traffic newsfeed.js:57 Starting module: newsfeed main.js:505 All modules started! MMM-Tools.js:156 MMM-Tools is suspended. module.js:199 MMM-Remote-Control is suspended. module.js:199 MMM-Formula1 is suspended. module.js:199 MMM-Tankerkoenig is suspended. module.js:199 MMM-ioBroker is suspended. module.js:199 MMM-COVID19-AMPEL is suspended. module.js:199 MMM-OpenmapWeather is suspended. module.js:199 weatherforecast is suspended. module.js:206 MMM-PublicTransportHafas is resumed. Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized) weatherforecast.js:265 weatherforecast: Your AppID does not support long term forecasts. Switching to fallback endpoint. weatherRequest.onreadystatechange @ weatherforecast.js:265 MMM-Formula1.js:66 MMM-Formula1 received a notification: DRIVER_STANDINGS MMM-Traffic.js:126 received MMM_TRAFFIC_DURATION calendar.js:147 Calendar Error. Could not fetch calendar: socketNotificationReceived @ calendar.js:147 MMM-Tools.js:161 MMM-Tools is resumed. MMM-Traffic.js:126 received MMM_TRAFFIC_DURATION module.js:199 MMM-Remote-Control is suspended. module.js:199 MMM-Tankerkoenig is suspended. module.js:199 MMM-ioBroker is suspended. module.js:199 MMM-PublicTransportHafas is suspended. module.js:199 MMM-COVID19-AMPEL is suspended. module.js:206 MMM-Formula1 is resumed. data:image/png;base64, undefined:1 GET data:image/png;base64, undefined net::ERR_INVALID_URL Image (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:224 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:63 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:65 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:64 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:75 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:75 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 data:image/png;base64, undefined:1 GET data:image/png;base64, undefined net::ERR_INVALID_URL Image (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:153 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:275 setTimeout (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:274 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:63 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:65 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:64 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:75 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:75 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 module.js:199 MMM-Remote-Control is suspended. module.js:199 MMM-Formula1 is suspended. module.js:199 MMM-Tankerkoenig is suspended. module.js:199 MMM-ioBroker is suspended. module.js:199 MMM-PublicTransportHafas is suspended. module.js:206 MMM-COVID19-AMPEL is resumed. data:image/png;base64, undefined:1 GET data:image/png;base64, undefined net::ERR_INVALID_URL Image (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:224 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:187 setTimeout (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:186 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:275 setTimeout (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:274 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:63 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:65 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:64 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:75 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:75 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 data:image/png;base64, undefined:1 GET data:image/png;base64, undefined net::ERR_INVALID_URL Image (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:153 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:275 setTimeout (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:274 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:187 setTimeout (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:186 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:275 setTimeout (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:274 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:63 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:65 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:64 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:75 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:75 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 data:image/png;base64, undefined:1 GET data:image/png;base64, undefined net::ERR_INVALID_URL Image (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:224 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:63 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:65 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:64 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:65 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:64 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:75 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:75 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 data:image/png;base64, undefined:1 GET data:image/png;base64, undefined net::ERR_INVALID_URL Image (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:153 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:187 setTimeout (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:186 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:275 setTimeout (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:274 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:187 setTimeout (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:186 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:275 setTimeout (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:274 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:63 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:65 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:64 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:75 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:75 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 module.js:199 MMM-Remote-Control is suspended. module.js:199 MMM-Formula1 is suspended. module.js:199 MMM-ioBroker is suspended. module.js:199 MMM-PublicTransportHafas is suspended. module.js:199 MMM-COVID19-AMPEL is suspended. module.js:206 MMM-Tankerkoenig is resumed. data:image/png;base64, undefined:1 GET data:image/png;base64, undefined net::ERR_INVALID_URL Image (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:224 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:275 setTimeout (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:274 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:63 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:65 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:64 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:65 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:64 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:75 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:75 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 data:image/png;base64, undefined:1 GET data:image/png;base64, undefined net::ERR_INVALID_URL Image (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:153 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:187 setTimeout (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:186 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:187 setTimeout (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:186 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:275 setTimeout (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:274 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:187 setTimeout (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:186 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:275 setTimeout (async) getDom @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:274 (anonymous) @ main.js:114 updateDom @ main.js:113 updateDom @ main.js:551 updateDom @ module.js:364 changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:63 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:65 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:64 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:75 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 setTimeout (async) changeLeague @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:75 (anonymous) @ MMM-SoccerLiveScore.js:76 2MMM-Traffic.js:126 received MMM_TRAFFIC_DURATION
can this only the developer reapair with the Club logos?
@kusselin no, the problem is with the 3rd party that provides the API to get the logos.
The developer of the module cannot do much about it. -
the logos should now work again, see: (which is where they do come from)
Ok thanks
I have forked the repo and fixed a few issues here (i.e. infinite API call when showTables:true). You can find it here:
Thank you very much