Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Help please!!
@innovation , why you not use MMM-ImagesPhotos? There you have a folder, “uploads”, where you can upload your photos.
@George Hello, yes I could but I want to be able to upload the images from my phone - so that it can be displayed onto the mirror. Is that possible?
@innovation I have a module that provides a QR code image that lets u upload pics from your phone to whatever source you choose.
I use imagesphotos as my photo display module
see need to debug the Google photos problem as I advised my brother in law to use that.
u did provide a credit card as part of the Google account setup, right? you must
Very interesting module. How do you configure exactly the config.js? I have e message on the mirror with undefined. Here is my config file :
module: ‘uploadPics’,
position: ‘bottom_left’,
config: {
dest: “/home/pi/MagicMirror/module/MMMM-ImagesPhotos/uploads”,
}, -
@barlouka did u run the npm install?
the doc says exactly for imagesphotos and it’s the default. so u don’t have to add the dest value
there are two programs launched in the background…
exiftrancan u try to run those in a terminal window
with --help as a parm
my developers window console
Load script: modules/MMM-GooglePhotos/MMM-GooglePhotos.js module.js:516 Module registered: MMM-GooglePhotos loader.js:157 Bootstrapping module: MMM-GooglePhotos loader.js:162 Scripts loaded for: MMM-GooglePhotos loader.js:204 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-GooglePhotos/MMM-GooglePhotos.css loader.js:164 Styles loaded for: MMM-GooglePhotos loader.js:166 Translations loaded for: MMM-GooglePhotos MMM-GooglePhotos.js:165 [GPHOTO] Image loaded:
@sdetweil Hey it is showing ‘Undefined’ for me too.
I did run the npm install.{
module: ‘uploadPics’,
position: ‘bottom_left’, //module position
config: {
dest: “…/module/MMMM-ImagesPhotos/uploads”,
}, -
there are two programs launched in the background…
exiftrancan u try to run those in a terminal window
also, look in the terminal window where you do npm start
@sdetweil --help qrcp?