Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-MirrorMirrorOnTheWall - Alexa voice control to hide/show modules and display text/images
tried it from the start again the skill its self works but when she says closing module it doesnt close ,no text gets displayed or if I search for snow white images she says displaying but i never see anything.
@joanaz Can you provide a how to or screencast how to get this working with an echo dot? For me it’s not clear how to connect the module with the lambda function which will be triggered by the skill.
@zman3 you copied your certs folder to the mirror module folder? check your terminal to see any error messages
@artifactdev that’s what AWS IoT device gateway is for. Just setup the skill and the mirror module as instructed
went through redid the awsiot set up did the copied the certs to the certs folder in the magic mirror module put those in the skill and re uploaded the zip to lambda still get nothing showing on the mirror
@zman3 It’s because there’s no guide. It’s just figure it out yourself. You know this isn’t a well-organized module when you look at how many posts/replies are in it.
@lucallmon lol, what do you mean there’s no guide? my guides have a total of 250 lines. anyways, I tried to help you guys setup and figuring out your errors, but clearly my module is out of your league. so come back when you have more dev skills.
I just made another Alexa skill and Magic Mirror module for simple note taking, you can find them here:
Hey @joanaz thanks for the awesome module. The module works pretty well. Also tried the image search and youtube which work very well. Main issue so far is I can’t turn off the video without closing all modules. I’ll look into that tomorrow.
@d3r yeah! awesome! you just need to tell my module to close my module