Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-MirrorMirrorOnTheWall - Alexa voice control to hide/show modules and display text/images
I’m working my way through the setup of the AWS IoT. I’m up to stage 11 on the walkthrough where it says:
“11.copy all your credential files, then go to your local copy of this repo, and paste them inside the certs folder (which is inside the src folder)”
Where do I find the credentials that need to be copied? -
@janner6 those are the files you downloaded from the last step
Just a quick and final update.
Considering the recent revelations made by Wikileaks #Vault7, I have decided to stay away from Alexa; at least for now.
Already found two possible alternatives, I will not compromise my or anyone else’s privacy.
Best of luck,
@Journeytojah which are they?
@elblogbruno You can find them here:
And you can read about what this means pretty much anywhere online.
Also see this : .
PS: for a long time I’ve been an advocate of security on IoT devices, shortly after the realease of Shodan serach engine; I cannot stress enough how important it is to keep your devices safe from prying eyes or ears, or keep them from being part of a botnet.
I will not hijack this thread and @joanaz’s work any more. Great job for the module, it’s just not what i need :)
@Journeytojah I see what you’re saying.
The alexa devices sold by amazon are always listening but the code amazon have shared on their website is not. The alexa version available on their github is only activated on button press or can be voice ativated through snowboy or sensory. My understanding is that snowboy works offline and doesn’t require an internet connection. So yes, alexa could be spying on you but all alexa devices might not be. I am 90% sure mine isn’t but I could be wrong. -
@Journeytojah I meant the other Assistants like alexa you talked about?
But thanks for the info! -
Hello. I have follow the guide multiple time now. At first I had trouble to get an answer from the Alexa skill (turned out it was because of the region, choosing us east Virginia wasn’t doing the trick for me. I needed to creat my lambda as eu ireland and to change the region value to eu-west-1 within the MirrorMirror.js in both folder).
Now my issue is that nothing is happening even though there is no error what so ever in the log.
I read this entire thread so I may have an idea on what the issue is but I rather ask to be sure.
Is the module isn’t enough by itself ? do I to install some third party thing in order to use it ? (I saw “AlexaPi” mention here and there). Is it why I can’t use this module ? -
I got it partly working. It’s just not showing anything on the mirror. I may have sudo npm installed it.
Hi @joanaz !
The module looks great! Thanks for developing it.
Could you help me with this?
I’m stuck over this step:
Can’t find the way to install the dependencies.