Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Background is white?
I just installed a fresh copy of the ready to go Raspberry Pi image. It booted great on a mini monitor I have and looked right. But, when I hooked it into a 55" monitor, the little modules have a black background around them, but everywhere else is white. Any idea what could be causing this? It looks like it’s white anywhere a module has not explicitly written over pixels.
@martaaay sounds like a bad cable or hmdi port
@sdetweil Hmm, interesting. The linux bootup sequence seems to work just fine though. Then the screen goes white with a mouse cursor briefly in the middle. The mouse cursor disappears and then I have a white background with little black blocks containing things like the time and news. Is that still sounding like it could be a cable issue?
I attached a pic to see if that helps with my description. 
Hmm, uploading not working. Trying this:
@martaaay what does the raspi desktop look like? the temple?
For whatever reason, the screen is getting the initial white fill, then not getting the blanking as MM runs.
I personally wonder what would happen if a full screen background module was used - example,
@bkeyport I wonder if electron thinks its a b&w display
@sdetweil Sorry my ignorance - is there an easy way to boot to just the raspberry pi desktop?
@BKeyport I tried adding MMM-EasyBack, and used this config with the default background image. It seems to cause it to boot sometimes into an all white screen and stay that way, and sometimes it boots into my weird white background with some items in the foreground, but no background. So odd!
Is there a log for errors somewhere?
@sdetweil FWIW on the B&W issue, I used MMM-EasyBack with a youtubeid, and the youtube video appeared, though only taking part of the screen with white behind the elements as before. The youtube video had color in it, IIRC.
I think I’ve sufficiently messed things up tinkering around. Haha. I’m going to reflash this sd card and try again.
@martaaay use my install script…