Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Electron Security Issues
@sdetweil And so it begins. Modules like the MMM-Hue and others that talk to internal devices on the local network is going to become a problem.
didn’t know this but I’m not surprised …
When this limitation is live the modules must send the new header, we will see which of them are still maintained …
So a LetsEncrypt wildcard certificate could help here (if you have a domain that is). But does MM even support running with a cert out of the box, or do you need to recode stuff?
@fribse there is support for certs. but most people don’t have a registered domain
I use to get a name back to my server on my dynamic address. it has changed a few times over the years, and I switched service providers too
with own domain I would recommend to run a reverse proxy in front of mm (and any other app) which handles the cert stuff automatically (as e.g. traefik). So you have not to deal with cert stuff in the apps behind the proxy.
@karsten13 I would normally agreee, but this is only to satisfy weird demands on SSL, not for any form of security and the mirror is not externally available.