Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
I have had an issue with the MMM-COVID19 module as it has stopped pulling stats since the 2nd March 2022. I decided t0 make my own from a different source. No API keys required. :clinking_glasses:
See Github module page:
In order to get the module you need to follow these steps:Module includes a country flag for the selected countries to display.
Module is best positioned in positionmiddle_center
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules git clone cd MMM-CovidStats npm install
Include multiple countries
Include World Stats
Hey, works like a charm!!!Is it possible, to exclude a column? For example “Recovered”…not every country (Peru, Norway) seems to send the data.
And it would save some space:-)But thank you for the nice module.
Thomas -
@thgmirror Thanks. I will have a look at that. Maybe for the next feature of the module. Just have a busy few days coming up with work and Easter.
Great job on this module, I really like it. What options are there to sort by?
Your favorite countries appear in the sequence you add them in the config.js:countries: ["DEU","NLD","PER","FRA","DNK","NOR","SWE","FIN"],
@thgmirror No I ment the sort by option in the config
@mayfield The sortby option is not working from the API perspective. Will look at another way to implement the sortby option
@mayfield Have updated with the option for sortBy. You can use one of the following options
Possible values:
cases, todayCases, deaths, todayDeaths, recovered, active
Just do a
git pull
Apologies. I read it quickly and did not get you were adv your own module. -
@0m4r Way to go, promoting your own module on my module page…