Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
By default, without any modification; This module has 2 style metaphor for event. One is for fullday/multidays event and one is for normal event.
Fullday/multidays event looks a boxed, background-filled to be distinguished with a normal event.Anyway, if you want that a normal event has same looks with fullday events - boxed and filled.
Add these lines to your custom.css
.CX3 .event.singleday .headline:not(.useSymbol)::before, .CX3 .event.singleday .headline.useSymbol .symbol.noSymbol::before { display: none; } .CX3 .event.singleday { background-color: var(--calendarColor); mix-blend-mode: difference; border-radius: 4px; color: var(--oppositeColor); } .CX3 .event:not(.fullday) .headline .time { color: var(--oppositeColor); }
[UPDATE] 1.7.0
of event Object property (Example)skipPassedEventToday
of config- eventTime color in multiday event
feature.- Global object check. (For compatible with not browser environment)
- Support
- auto-detect
of config
Usually I just describe outlines of update here, but in this update, I need to explain somethings with images, so I did it.
I opened WIKI for some details.
Using Iconify
Even though
is the default icon framework of MM, there are many needs oficonify
. And I prefer it to font-awesome. Now you can use iconify icons by config valueuseIconify: true
// In your calendar module config defaultSymbolClassName: '', // <-- Important to identify iconify properly. calendars: [ { color: "red", symbol: "flag:us-4x3", url: "" }, { color: "red", symbol: "fa fa-fw fa-flag", // <-- Important when you want to use font-awesome also together. url: "" }, ],
To useiconify
, you should setdefaultSymbolClassName: '',
in your default calendar module. Usually, it is enough when you hide the original default calendar module to use with CX3. But if you want to use font-awesome icons together, you should add font-awesome classnames (e.gfa
, …) by yourself.displaying startTime and endTime in multi-day event.
a Fullday event doesn’t need startTime and endTime. And there is not enough place to show endTime for a single-day event. But for multi-day events, There would be enough space to display the endTime of the last day of the period. And it would be convenient. The position where the endTime would be displayed will be near the event’s last day.
If you don’t want to show it, add this to your
.CX3 .event.multiday:not(.continueToNextWeek) .headline .endTime { display: none; }
for overflowed events.By the limitation of
(and due to the resolution of the MM screen), overflowed events on the day had to be ignored. It was inconvenient.Now, CX3 can show how many events are ignored in the day. You can pop over the whole events list of that day by clicking/touching the header of the cell or more marks(White rounded number). The popover contents could be scrollable by touch/drag (if possible)
NOTICE Firefox, Opera Mobile, Samsung Browser cannot handle a new de facto starndard
feature yet.skipPassedEventToday
Even though it would be helpful to use the new
feature, Still overflowed events would be inconvenient. Generally, upcoming events would be more important than past events especially fortoday
. So you can skip the past events of today by this option. The skipped events will be shown again when today passes.skipPassedEventToday: false
(default)skipPassedEventToday: true
Auto-detect calendar info by locale
Before 1.7.0, the user must manually set
in the config to calculate the start day of the week, week number, weekend info, etc.Now, this module will calculate that info automatically with
without your manual config forfirstDayOfWeek
(Leave them as blank ornull
)For example;
- When you set the locale as
(in the module config or global config), the week starts from Sunday. - When you set the locale as
, the week starts from Monday. - When you set the locale as
, the week starts from Saturday, and the weekend day will be only Friday.
Of course, you can set them up manually by force for the exceptions.
- Not supported natively in legacy browsers.
- To show custom weekend days for your job shift instead of public weekends. (e.g.
weekends: [1, 3, 5]
for Mon, Wed, Fri resting) - to adopt a locale but with a different language. (e.g. The Americans living in Germany, so the calendar system itself should be followed by German rule but displayed in English.)
locale: 'en-US', // Displaying things as US English, e.g. MM. DD. YYYY instead of European DD. MM. YYYY firstDayOfWeek: 1, // German ISO rule. The week starts on Monday, not Sunday, as `en-US` minimalDaysOfNewYear: 4,
A new config value,
weekends: []
, is introduced. By default, you don’t have to set this by yourself because it is derived from the auto-detection of calendar info from the locale. This field will be fulfilled automatically unless you set it manually in config.
Every day cell hasweekend
as its classname.For example,
weekends: [6, 0]
means Saturday and Sunday will be considered weekends. Saturday will haveweekend weekend_1
and Sunday will haveweekend weekend_2
.Style cells with these class names instead of the fixed
. You don’t have to know which weekday is a weekend in a specific locale.And more…
Is there a step missing when updating? I follow the install or update instructions in GitHub but it never seems to actually update.
Try this;
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-CalendarExt3 git pull npm install git submodule update --init --recursive
Sorry, it may be missing. I’ll add the info on next update. (soon)
[UPDATE] 1.7.1
config - ADDED
event Object attribute
From now, too long title will be rolling asmarquee
@MMRIZE big fan of Ext3 module… I was curious if there is any way to have the calendar setting to be the next 4 weeks? That is a valuable view for me that I currently use on MMM-MyCalendar as it seems to be one of the only calendar’s that supports that.
Disregard… I managed to make this work by using week view with week index and week view.
You can use ‘mode:“week”’ and ‘weeksInView:4’(and ‘weekIndex:0’) -
I’ve got this calendar set up almost perfect for my family. Just a couple minor things I would like to modify but am having no luck so far. Wondering if any of you can help. I’m sure I’m missing something easy here, but I would like to remove the little circle icon to the left of the calendar entry. I changed useSymbol to false but it still shows.
Second, how the heck do you get the weather forecast/temp icons up next to the date? I chose useweather-true, displayweathertemp - true, I’ve tried a few of the other weather related fields but no luck. Any help with these would be appreciated.
Also, I’ve tried a couple times now on this post and another, and cannot upload a pic no matter how small. Also wouldn’t accept my Imgur link. Not sure what I’ve done wrong there but I’ll post a pic when I can.
{ module: "MMM-CalendarExt3", position: "bottom_bar", title: "", config: { mode: "", weekIndex: 0, weeksInView: 4, instanceId: "basicCalendar", locale: 'en-EN', maxEventLines: 5, firstDayOfWeek: 0, refreshInterval: 120000, animationSpeed: 0, useSymbol: false, useWeather: true, displayWeatherTemp: true, calendarSet: ['us_holiday','family'], } }, { module: "calendar", position: "", config: { broadcastPastEvents: true, calendars: [ { url: "webcal://", name: "us_holiday", color: "#6699ff" } ] } }, { module: "calendar", position: "", maximumNumberOfDays: 60, config: { animationSpeed: 0, fetchInterval: 100000, broadcastPastEvents: true, useSymbol: false, calendars: [ { url: "*****, name: "family", color: "yellow", user: '***', pass: '***', method: 'basic' } ] } },
.MMM-CalendarExt3 { margin-bottom: 0px; width: 100%; height: 575px; font-size: 16px; } .CX3 .cw { display:none } .CX3 .event.singleday { border-left:4px solid var(--calendarColor); } .CX3 .event.singleday:not(.useSymbol)::before { content: ''; } 
- to remove even dot mark on
useSymbol: false
; append this into yourcss/custom.css
/* css/custom.css */ .CX3 .event.singleday .headline:not(.useSymbol)::before { display: none; }
- To use forecasted weather, you should activate the
module inforecast
- To attach image; you image should be smaller than 2MB. That’s all.
To link external image; use this syntax.

- to remove even dot mark on