Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-Imageslideshow - centering upright images
I use this in my custom.css file to move MMM-ImagesPhotos down below the Date and Time on my mirror..MMM-ImagesPhotos { Margin-top: 35px; }``` You can adjust that to what ever instead of 35 px I use. I have one module (MMM-Bored) that I use 420px as my top margin. It just takes some time to find the perfect placement to center.
@plainbroke he wants to move vertical pics to the center of the screen. only vertical pics
Oh well, He is out of luck then, right? -
@plainbroke I don’t know how to do that w css.
I do it in code for my version ofMMM-ImagesPhotos
but maybe
it says without css, then gives a css only answer
so in custom.css
.MMM-ImagesSlideshow img { display: block; margin-left: auto; matgin-right: auto; }
this will center both kinds of images, portrait and landscape
I run pretty much all modules middle_center so they all center up pretty well for me. up and down is my only adjustments usually. I have had to adjust the left or right margin a few times but most everything centers on its own pretty well using the middle_center postion when setting them up… So I am absolutely of no help to him…