Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
help on new spam control idea
this made a lot of help we still get a good amount of junk.
I want to minimize it even more
we currently don’t have any pre-posting moderation enabled. but I’d like to leverage that
most spam users 98%+ are advertising their stuff some link in the page.
so, why not combine those two
reputation < 2
posts < 3
will start a post towards the moderation queue
this is the built in moderation queue setupadd on a check for any links
if they are in the good host list, skip the queue
(almost all good users)but not in the allowed link hosts,
and their post continues to the moderation the top of my head list of links hosts
here doc docs.magicmirror.buikders modules raspberrypi stuff screen shot site
remember, this is new users, < 3 posts, or low rep
(reputation is increased by someone upvoting one of your posts)what do you think of this idea, and do you have any other good site servers that should be on the list.
trying to keep the impact on good new users to as close to zero as possible, and keep the spam away with the least amount of work.
this way, the bad stuff just never shows.
I have a plugin built for the nodebb forum platform we use… testing now.
just deciding if a post should continue to moderation or not.
there is an admin screen for adding/deleting hosts. -
Have you considered antispam plugin like spam-be-gone, askimet,…? -
@MMRIZE already have those installed
@sdetweil Sounds good but there are still guys who resurrect very old posts asking stupid questions. I think I saw one yesterday that did that. That would up the rep and off they go and post their nonsense again. I know, not helping, just pointing out some observations. :man_facepalming:
@mumblebaj no… uping the rep requires someone to push like on a post
if u have less that 3 posts and 10 days, you cannot upvote…but it takes someone upvoting YOUR post to increase YOUR rep… not theirs…
so, new users can’t upvote, til they get 3 AND 10 days have passed…
and if someone DOWN votes their post, their rep goes down…and can NEVER upvote their own posts
yes, that is the escape… posting nonsense on an old/dead topic…
(with no links for my plugin to check)
I still filter those out manuallysomeone else has a plugin the geolocates the poster’s ip address… but we have valid users from all over the world, so that doesn’t really help.
@sdetweil I’m all for less spam!
I’m all for less spam, that being said, I don’t mind my nearly nightly marking of posts as spam and users as spammers. 😉
how about allow and too.
@kayakbabe It think posts that have certain spammy words or phrases could be added to moderation too like
now hiring
buy now
be your own boss
additional income
limited time
earn money
get rich
I enjoyed your post
You write very well
I offer you
I was reading this article and find it very informativeThere are obvious ones that recur here but I can’t think of them right now.
Also how about no including links for new users until they make x number of allowed posts. I run some sites and we get visited by human spammers who will make two or three comments to try to get the posts with links to show. Usually it’s garbage, ipso lorem, or something that just doesn’t make sense. So I just moderate all posts that include links from users with less than 10 number of good posts. Or, I can go ahead a mark a user as moderation exempt if I determine them to be legit.
What about reCaptcha required to submit a post for new users for the first x number of posts?