Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-MonthlyCalendar, config and .css
@sdetweil Ok, so will using css (which at present, seems waaaaay beyond me, so much so that I’m considering giving up) mean that each time I add an event that is under “steve” it will be green? Even watching introduction to css youtube videos is turning out to be unproductive.
@bicolorbore586 said in MMM-MonthlyCalendar, config and .css:
so will using css … mean that each time I add an event that is under “steve” it will be green
yes, if u select the right web page element and the method u select (css selector) is repeatable
some modules provide config mechanisms to specify those (css) selectable items
(in default cal, its symbolClass, titleClass and timeClass, for the 3 fields in the display)
‘YOU’ have to specify arbitrary made up names to be able to select them in cssfor example
in default cal{ module: "calendar" config: { titleClass:'foo' ... }
in css
.calendar .foo { color: green; }
this means, every time u find an element with class:“foo” inside the content with a class:“calendar” set the text color to green
the . is because u are selecting (css selector clause) a CLASS
this effects ONLY the title of the cal event row to green (because we are selecting the ‘titleClass’ to assign that effect to
I’m trying to work through the same issue. I have specified a titleClass in the calendars module, in the main.css I have:
.family { color: rgba(255,52,255,0.7); }
and this causes events in the calandar module to show as magenta, however in the fourweeks calendar (MMM_MonthlyCalendar) thet still appear in white.
Does this imply that this module does not use the event title, but some other part of the event? or am I missing something? I also tried { color: rgba(255,52,255,0.7); }
@Fuergrissa never edit main.css it will stop upgrades. never edit any file we ship
all your config for css goes in css/custom.css
if it doesn’t exist create it
@Fuergrissa there needs to be spaces between the classes unless u mean they are in the same element
@Fuergrissa use the dev window link I posted to be able to see and fiddle w css live without file edit , try , no, edit, try, no loop
Thanks I did all of the things you suggest. The developer pane is really handy, but when I drill all the way down to individual calendar events there is no difference in class for events coming from different calendars (which do have the titleClass assigned). Looking in MMM-MonthlyCalendar.js there is a section at the end that looks like it is intended to inherit the color information from the event, but this doesn’t actually happen?
if (e.color) { var c = e.color; if (e.fullDayEvent) { = c; if (getLuminance( >= self.config.luminanceThreshold) { = "black"; } } else { = c; } }
@Fuergrissa don’t know this module’s workings
@Fuergrissa so it looks like this module gets it’s events from the base calendar
and if the base is not shownanyhow, use multiple { url: …}
blocks in the based calendar add a name: attribute to eachthat will carry forward on the event. I don’t know if this cal will use it
but then u could set styles for events by cal name