Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
EADDRINUSE: address already in use
@theaddies that means something is using the port , maybe you have two instances of mm trying to run
pm2 status
are there 2 apps defined?
@sdetweil Thanks for the reply. I think I did have 2 instances at one time, but I deleted the other one. It does not show up on pm2 status. Is there anything else to remove? Thansk.
@sdetweil I found /usr/bin node serveronly.
is that the culpirit?
@sdetweil I suppose this makes sense but I killed it and it immediately restarted. I don’t know how to remove it.
@theaddies you must have added it as part of the manual install instructions
do the reverse to take it out…
@sdetweil thanks for the reply but I have no idea what I see did
@theaddies sorry. no idea myself.
I gave up long ago trying to remember the 900 different ways to auto start things on the myriad different platforms.