Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-GooglePhotos does not display all photos
I have two MM and both exhibit the same problem although they use two different Google Photo Libraries. There is 289 photos in one library. The MM will display about 64 images, then rescans. After the rescan it starts back at the beginning. I have tried sorting oldest, newest, and random. Here’s a portion of the log: I’ve tried changing the rescan time. After the rescan, it starts over.
[09.12.2023 20:51.37.091] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:AUTH] Token is alive.
[09.12.2023 20:51.37.092] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 0
[09.12.2023 20:51.39.965] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 50
[09.12.2023 20:51.42.482] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 100
[09.12.2023 20:51.44.560] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 150
[09.12.2023 20:51.46.970] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 200
[09.12.2023 20:51.48.893] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 250
[09.12.2023 20:51.50.511] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Got 289 photo(s) from ‘Big 24 inch photoframe’
[09.12.2023 20:51.50.571] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Total indexed photos: 289
[09.12.2023 20:51.50.571] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] num to ref: 50 , DesChunk: 50 , totalLength: 289 , Pntr: 0
[09.12.2023 20:51.50.589] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:AUTH] Token is alive.
[09.12.2023 20:51.50.590] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] received: 50 to refresh
[09.12.2023 20:51.50.599] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Photo list cache saved
[09.12.2023 20:51.51.786] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] refreshed: 50 , totalLength: 289 , Pntr: 50
[09.12.2023 20:51.51.786] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] just sent 50 more pics
[09.12.2023 20:52.36.271] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 0 + 1 AIYQHLOLdy89lagXSQrdX1dGgo9YyR3nMSqVOFkgr1Te2AxWVBY0JsMJ_6mKsNhTuU5InTotF_U1R5b4iOpL0Dap2ShmxhJ9aA
[09.12.2023 20:53.36.417] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 0 + 2 AIYQHLNu5PDUUAcLidvQEWXkNXN1g4pCE5i9mERxGvdhKdBdPnOKaAo2bp4FgNn27ZQntTXCtw2eSAl6xnWBSSBg1qNfw2uFSQ
[09.12.2023 20:54.36.231] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 0 + 3 AIYQHLPJQNm95HPif_f-P5pZemNGJZA6ZbOZITWswfi5ISxKsexK3dsnn78W1KwzDaGnG4I5nY0FK7fhMLwx_uyy_AfS4FwD6QLogs repeat going from 0+1 to 0+39…
[09.12.2023 21:30.36.291] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 0 + 39 AIYQHLNr_rzuZox_JPcX3CFflcjp1h31WLf9SSXSUdfyMJ06bMsELdmnArmD26bmjBRysxXrEtNnqHVOqA9ynhMTyOggVLbOOw
[09.12.2023 21:31.36.371] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 0 + 40 AIYQHLPjvNqrJfHjSU-KYLBSuLa1YiuL41w-3Wwa03OmZmMB25RSRby1kTm3XVgz2QhUfNzJruXKvb_YkB3waOnKUxv_SciOEg
[09.12.2023 21:32.36.047] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] num to ref: 20 , DesChunk: 20 , totalLength: 289 , Pntr: 50
[09.12.2023 21:32.36.049] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:AUTH] Token is expired.
[09.12.2023 21:32.36.403] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:AUTH] Token is refreshed.
[09.12.2023 21:32.36.405] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] received: 20 to refresh
[09.12.2023 21:32.37.293] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] refreshed: 20 , totalLength: 289 , Pntr: 70
[09.12.2023 21:32.37.294] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] just sent 20 more pics
[09.12.2023 21:33.36.204] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 50 + 1 AIYQHLPwSWTAe33cZtXFEvZM6T2J2NoY5Fyb1ZL8jfS96w3EmPzx86Ta8EPWQJgG3T02tk-dIXdaK3kbQOAB2J3GbLjgQnw4og
[09.12.2023 21:34.36.235] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 50 + 2 AIYQHLNR62qfCPmNj6UWC1mU5ff6-uDcWziFjqKeqRMIW21T0wRuK_GbPlBXT2vIEmjM-gnYyRVeuvWwBTTbBsV4rI0wMexuvALogs continue…
[09.12.2023 21:46.36.183] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 50 + 14 AIYQHLNvmWA_nFZPxrKVl05BNw5sjO_C-I_mkUzlS3rJZaY_mA0l_CrYw_5bksOZliyrPaxStLXY3WRrJPn3FjbAQx1sIHxzTw
[09.12.2023 21:46.37.089] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Start Album scanning
[09.12.2023 21:46.37.091] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Prepare to get photo list from ‘Big 24 inch photoframe’
[09.12.2023 21:46.37.097] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:AUTH] Token is alive.
[09.12.2023 21:46.37.099] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 0
[09.12.2023 21:46.39.392] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 50
[09.12.2023 21:46.41.815] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 100
[09.12.2023 21:46.48.803] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 150
[09.12.2023 21:46.50.688] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 200
[09.12.2023 21:46.52.390] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 250
[09.12.2023 21:46.53.632] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Got 289 photo(s) from ‘Big 24 inch photoframe’
[09.12.2023 21:46.53.704] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Total indexed photos: 289
[09.12.2023 21:46.53.705] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] num to ref: 50 , DesChunk: 50 , totalLength: 289 , Pntr: 0
[09.12.2023 21:46.53.731] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:AUTH] Token is alive.
[09.12.2023 21:46.53.731] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] received: 50 to refresh
[09.12.2023 21:46.53.743] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Photo list cache saved
[09.12.2023 21:46.54.907] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] refreshed: 50 , totalLength: 289 , Pntr: 50
[09.12.2023 21:46.54.907] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] just sent 50 more pics
[09.12.2023 21:47.36.300] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 0 + 1 AIYQHLOLdy89lagXSQrdX1dGgo9YyR3nMSqVOFkgr1Te2AxWVBY0JsMJ_6mKsNhTuU5InTotF_U1R5b4iOpL0Dap2ShmxhJ9aAAt this point is starts with the first photo again.
I’ve not found anywhere where someone else has encountered this problem. I’d really like to display all the photos.
@rsiggins every time is does a scan, it replaces the previous list with the new one. but sort should have worked
I don’t see where the per image delay is set, but I would calculate the delay times number of images and set the refresh interval larger than that.
the code loads only 50 images at a time, it’s a gp limit. w 289 pics, your refresh interval should be 6 times longer than it is now
@sdetweil Thanks for the reply. I had thought of that and changed the scanInterval to 1000 * 60 * 60 * 5 for 5 hours. My updateInterval is 1 minute, so 289 should fit in 300 minutes. I didn’t think to change the refreshInterval. I changed that to also be 5 hours and have started a test. We’ll see how that goes.
@sdetweil I tried setting the refresh interval to 300 minutes, which would have been enough for the 289 images but the result were the same. I have tried different settings with the same result – the cycle starts all over with the first image after about one hour. I wonder if it could be the HTTP connection timing out?
@rsiggins i don’t know…
there should be messages where you do npm start
if using pm2, thenpm2 logs --lines=nnn,
nnn is some number default 15
@sdetweil I have been trying to dig out some hints from the logs, but I’m not seeing any error messages. Here’s what’s in the logs:
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:14.05.391] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 50 + 3 AIYQHLPTFIXlceHy6i07TEu1BJPJ0fBZ6qaGUhfyQ3hXDd99MfZ2vcIewb6ewe8RhI-JMW4e6-F6k8W4cDrk_snFwxM0YXMXBA
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:15.05.344] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 50 + 4 AIYQHLNbObH7UIznnrX-PVuqX-oDZD1OgqGSAoVjnI1j72GKL1isBZCMRjKJfa5zjecIQXFMCQgg9L8dt98SygI45xz5EtTB3Q
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.05.777] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Start Album scanning
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.05.781] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Prepare to get photo list from ‘Big 24 inch photoframe’
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.05.785] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:AUTH] Token is alive.
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.05.789] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 0
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.06.328] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 50 + 5 AIYQHLM1xI3NPHpR-5wRp8bURv2pS9dCkNgwhEoUNnacXR5J6pmYNiV30c8KHmyppAWWpfnvKkZgJj3garnogyq-bhDNgvoweg
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.07.807] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 50
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.09.711] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 100
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.11.643] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 150
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.13.458] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 200
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.15.311] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] Indexing photos now. total: 250
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.16.616] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Got 289 photo(s) from ‘Big 24 inch photoframe’
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.16.689] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Total indexed photos: 289
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.16.689] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] num to ref: 50 , DesChunk: 50 , totalLength: 289 , Pntr: 0
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.16.706] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:AUTH] Token is alive.
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.16.706] [LOG] [GPHOTOS:CORE] received: 50 to refresh
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.16.716] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Photo list cache saved
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.17.914] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] refreshed: 50 , totalLength: 289 , Pntr: 50
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:16.17.915] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] just sent 50 more pics
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:17.05.340] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 0 + 1 AIYQHLOLdy89lagXSQrdX1dGgo9YyR3nMSqVOFkgr1Te2AxWVBY0JsMJ_6mKsNhTuU5InTotF_U1R5b4iOpL0Dap2ShmxhJ9aA
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:18.05.401] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 0 + 2 AIYQHLNu5PDUUAcLidvQEWXkNXN1g4pCE5i9mERxGvdhKdBdPnOKaAo2bp4FgNn27ZQntTXCtw2eSAl6xnWBSSBg1qNfw2uFSQ
0|MagicMir | [21.12.2023 13:19.05.332] [LOG] [GPHOTOS] [node_helper] Image loaded: 0 + 3 AIYQHLPJQNm95HPif_f-P5pZemNGJZA6ZbOZITWswfi5ISxKsexK3dsnn78W1KwzDaGnG4I5nY0FK7fhMLwx_uyy_AfS4FwD6QIt runs fine for about one hour (55 images displayed), then reindexes and starts over with the first image. (0+1). At this point I’m going to attempt to step through the code and see if I can find out what’s happening.