Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MP3 Player
its this:
return wrapper;
which is around here :
.......... var volumeSlider = MP3.createElement("input", "volumeSlider", "volumeSlider"); volumeSlider.type = "range"; volumeSlider.min = "0"; volumeSlider.max = "1"; volumeSlider.step = "0.01"; volumeSlider.addEventListener("input", () => { = parseFloat(volumeSlider.value); }, false); subControls.appendChild(volumeSlider); controls.appendChild(subControls); MP3.mediaPlayer.appendChild(controls); wrapper.appendChild(MP3.mediaPlayer); } if(MP3.firstTime && MP3.config.autoPlay){ console.log("First time and autoPlay are true. Setting firstTime to false."); MP3.firstTime=false; } return wrapper; }, createElement: function(type, className, id){ var elem = document.createElement(type); if(className) elem.className = className; if(id) = id; return elem; }, .....
@bachoo786 you have a missing close brace
wrapper.appendChild(songList); } // <-----here if (MP3.config.songs2 != null) {
you need to use an editor with brace matching
@sdetweil can you please recommend some editor with brace matching?
also I added close brace but that didnt resolve the issue got another error now right at the bottom.
Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list :8182/modules/MMM-MP…MM-MP3Player.js:264
here is line 263 and 264:
} }
here is the full code:
var MP3; var substr; Module.register("MMM-MP3Player", { defaults: { songs: [], songs2: [], // Add this line for the second song list musicPath: "modules/MMM-MP3Player/music", musicPath2: "modules/MMM-MP3Player/music2", extensions: ["mp3", "wma", "acc", "ogg"], // songs: null, autoPlay: false, random: false, }, audio: null, songTitle: null, mediaPlayer: null, dataAvailable: true, curSong :0, curLength : 0, time: null, play: null, firstTime: true, substr: null, getStyles: function(){ return ["MMM-MP3Player.css", "font-awesome.css"]; }, start: function() { MP3 = this; console.log("Starting module:",; this.sendSocketNotification('SOURCE_MUSIC', {musicPath: this.config.musicPath, extensions: this.config.extensions}); this.sendSocketNotification('SOURCE_MUSIC2', {musicPath: this.config.musicPath2, extensions: this.config.extensions}); // Send notification to load songs from the second directory }, getDom: function(){ var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); if(MP3.config.songs != null) { // Display the list of MP3 files var songList = MP3.createElement("ul", "songList", "songList"); for(var i = 0; i < MP3.config.songs.length; i++) { var listItem = MP3.createElement("li", "songItem", "songItem" + i); listItem.innerHTML = MP3.config.songs[i].substr(0, MP3.config.songs[i].length - 4); listItem.addEventListener("click", function(index) { return function() { MP3.setCurrentSong(index);;'i')[0].className = "fa fa-pause"; MP3.mediaPlayer.classList.add("play"); MP3.updateDurationLabel(); }; }(i)); songList.appendChild(listItem); } wrapper.appendChild(songList); } if (MP3.config.songs2 != null) { var songList2 = MP3.createElement("ul", "songList2", "songList2"); for (var i = 0; i < MP3.config.songs2.length; i++) { var listItem = MP3.createElement("li", "songItem2", "songItem2-" + i); listItem.innerHTML = MP3.config.songs2[i].substr(0, MP3.config.songs2[i].length - 4); listItem.addEventListener("click", function(index) { return function() { MP3.setCurrentSong(index, 'music2');;'i')[0].className = "fa fa-pause"; MP3.mediaPlayer.classList.add("play"); MP3.updateDurationLabel(); }; }(i)); songList2.appendChild(listItem); } wrapper.appendChild(songList2); // Add the rest of the existing code... MP3.mediaPlayer = MP3.createElement("div", "mediaPlayer", "mediaPlayer"); = MP3.createElement("audio", "audioPlayer", "audioPlayer");"loadeddata", () => { MP3.dataAvailable = true; MP3.curLength =; MP3.updateDurationLabel(); }),"ended", () => { Log.log(" play ended") = 0; if(MP3.config.autoPlay) { MP3.loadNext(MP3.config.random) } else MP3.mediaPlayer.classList.toggle("play"); }),"timeupdate", () => { MP3.updateDurationLabel(); }), MP3.mediaPlayer.appendChild(; // Add the rest of the controls to MP3.mediaPlayer var controls = MP3.createElement("div", "controls", false); MP3.songTitle = MP3.createElement("span", "title", "songTitle"); MP3.setCurrentSong(MP3.curSong); controls.appendChild(MP3.songTitle); var discArea = MP3.createElement("div", "discarea", false); discArea.appendChild(MP3.createElement("div", "disc", false)); var stylus = MP3.createElement("div", "stylus", false); stylus.appendChild(MP3.createElement("div", "pivot", false)); stylus.appendChild(MP3.createElement("div", "arm", false)); stylus.appendChild(MP3.createElement("div", "head", false)); discArea.appendChild(stylus); MP3.mediaPlayer.appendChild(discArea); var buttons = MP3.createElement("div", "buttons", false); // Previous Button var prev = MP3.createButton("back", "prevButton", "fa fa-backward"); prev.addEventListener("click", () => { MP3.mediaPlayer.classList.toggle("play"); MP3.dataAvailable = false; MP3.loadNext(MP3.config.random);;'i')[0].className = "fa fa-pause"; }, false), buttons.appendChild(prev); // Play Button = MP3.createButton("play", "playButton", "fa fa-play");"click", () => { MP3.mediaPlayer.classList.toggle("play"); if ( { setTimeout(() => {; }, 300);'i')[0].className = "fa fa-pause"; MP3.timer = setInterval(MP3.updateDurationLabel, 100); } else { //MP3.loadNext(MP3.config.random);'i')[0].className = "fa fa-play"; clearInterval(MP3.timer);; } }, false); buttons.appendChild(; // Stop Button var stop = MP3.createButton("stop", "stopButton", "fa fa-stop"); stop.addEventListener("click", () => { MP3.mediaPlayer.classList.remove("play");; = 0;'i')[0].className = "fa fa-play"; MP3.updateDurationLabel(); }, false); buttons.appendChild(stop); // Next Button var next = MP3.createButton("next", "nextButton", "fa fa-forward"); next.addEventListener("click", () => { MP3.mediaPlayer.classList.toggle("play"); MP3.dataAvailable = false; MP3.loadNext(MP3.config.random);'i')[0].className = "fa fa-play"; }, false); buttons.appendChild(next); controls.appendChild(buttons); var subControls = MP3.createElement("div", "subControls", false); var duration = MP3.createElement("span", "duration", "currentDuration"); duration.innerHTML = "00:00" + "   "; subControls.appendChild(duration); var volumeSlider = MP3.createElement("input", "volumeSlider", "volumeSlider"); volumeSlider.type = "range"; volumeSlider.min = "0"; volumeSlider.max = "1"; volumeSlider.step = "0.01"; volumeSlider.addEventListener("input", () => { = parseFloat(volumeSlider.value); }, false); subControls.appendChild(volumeSlider); controls.appendChild(subControls); MP3.mediaPlayer.appendChild(controls); wrapper.appendChild(MP3.mediaPlayer); } if(MP3.firstTime && MP3.config.autoPlay){ console.log("First time and autoPlay are true. Setting firstTime to false."); MP3.firstTime=false; } return wrapper; }, createElement: function(type, className, id){ var elem = document.createElement(type); if(className) elem.className = className; if(id) = id; return elem; }, createButton: function(className, id, icon){ var button = document.createElement('button'); button.className = className; = id; var ico = document.createElement("i"); ico.className = icon; button.appendChild(ico); return button; }, updateDurationLabel: function() { var duration = document.getElementById('currentDuration'); if (MP3.dataAvailable && > 0) { duration.innerText = MP3.parseTime( + " / " + MP3.parseTime(; } else { duration.innerText = "00:00 / 00:00"; } }, parseTime: function(time){ const minutes = Math.floor(time / 60) const seconds = Math.floor(time - minutes * 60) const secondsZero = seconds < 10 ? "0" : "" const minutesZero = minutes < 10 ? "0" : "" return minutesZero + minutes.toString() + ":" + secondsZero + seconds.toString() }, setCurrentSong: function(index, type='music1') { var path = type === 'music1' ? MP3.config.musicPath : MP3.config.musicPath2; // Use musicPath2 from config = path + '/' + MP3.config['songs' + (type === 'music1' ? '' : '2')][index]; MP3.songTitle.innerHTML = MP3.config['songs' + (type === 'music1' ? '' : '2')][index].substr(0, MP3.config['songs' + (type === 'music1' ? '' : '2')][index].length - 4); MP3.curSong = index; }, loadNext: function(next){ let index=0; console.log("loadNext: Autoplay:", MP3.config.autoPlay); // Add this line for logging; if(next) index= (MP3.curSong + 1) % MP3.config.songs.length; else index = (MP3.curSong - 1) < 0 ? MP3.config.songs.length - 1 : MP3.curSong - 1; MP3.setCurrentSong(index);; }, notificationReceived: function (notification, payload) { if(notification === "ALL_MODULES_STARTED") MP3.sendSocketNotification('SOURCE_MUSIC', MP3.config); }, socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { if (notification === "RETURNED_MUSIC") if (payload.type === 'music1') { MP3.config.songs = payload.songs; } else if (payload.type === 'music2') { MP3.config.songs2 = payload.songs; } MP3.setCurrentSong(0); // set initial song for each list MP3.updateDom(); } } });
you see all I am trying to do is to add like a playlist to the module so basically I have added the songList and it shows all the songs i.e. .mp3 files in the music folder within the module’s folder.
I am now adding music2 folder to show another set of mp3 files and I thought of grouping each folder by artist name and display it on the front end.
this method is tedious as I need to repeat this for many artists.
a better method I think would be of having several artists folders in the module’s “single” music folder and in each artist’s folder there will be various mp3s.
this way the module should display the available artist i.e. folders in the front end and when I click on the artist’s name on the front end it would collapse down and show the mp3s in that respective artist’s folder.
I did try to work on this “better method” but didnt get far so I went for the easier option as I already had a single “songList” which was working and showing the mp3s in the “music” folder.
here is the code for trying out the “better” method:MMM-MP3Player.js:
var MP3; var substr; Module.register("MMM-MP3Player", { defaults: { songs: [], musicPath: "modules/MMM-MP3Player/music", extensions: ["mp3", "wma", "acc", "ogg"], songs: null, autoPlay: false, random: false, }, audio: null, songTitle: null, mediaPlayer: null, dataAvailable: true, curSong :0, curLength : 0, time: null, play: null, firstTime: true, substr: null, getStyles: function(){ return ["MMM-MP3Player.css", "font-awesome.css"]; }, start: function(){ MP3 = this; console.log("autoPlay configuration:", MP3.config.autoPlay);"Starting module: " +; }, getDom: function(){ var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); if(MP3.config.folders) { var folderList = document.createElement("ul"); folderList.className = "folderList"; MP3.config.folders.forEach((folder, index) => { var folderItem = document.createElement("li"); folderItem.className = "folderItem"; folderItem.textContent =; folderItem.onclick = function() { this.classList.toggle("active"); var songList = this.nextElementSibling; if (!songList) { songList = document.createElement("ul"); songList.className = "songList"; folder.songs.forEach(song => { var songItem = document.createElement("li"); songItem.className = "songItem"; songItem.textContent = song.substr(0, song.length - 4); // removes extension songItem.onclick = function() { // Set the song from the specific folder MP3.setCurrentSong(, song);;'i')[0].className = "fa fa-pause"; MP3.mediaPlayer.classList.add("play"); MP3.updateDurationLabel(); }; songList.appendChild(songItem); }); this.parentNode.insertBefore(songList, this.nextSibling); } else { songList.parentNode.removeChild(songList); } }; folderList.appendChild(folderItem); }); wrapper.appendChild(folderList); // Add the rest of the existing code... MP3.mediaPlayer = MP3.createElement("div", "mediaPlayer", "mediaPlayer"); = MP3.createElement("audio", "audioPlayer", "audioPlayer");"loadeddata", () => { MP3.dataAvailable = true; MP3.curLength =; MP3.updateDurationLabel(); }),"ended", () => { Log.log(" play ended") = 0; if(MP3.config.autoPlay) { MP3.loadNext(MP3.config.random) } else MP3.mediaPlayer.classList.toggle("play"); }),"timeupdate", () => { MP3.updateDurationLabel(); }), MP3.mediaPlayer.appendChild(; // Add the rest of the controls to MP3.mediaPlayer var controls = MP3.createElement("div", "controls", false); MP3.songTitle = MP3.createElement("span", "title", "songTitle"); MP3.setCurrentSong(MP3.curSong); controls.appendChild(MP3.songTitle); var discArea = MP3.createElement("div", "discarea", false); discArea.appendChild(MP3.createElement("div", "disc", false)); var stylus = MP3.createElement("div", "stylus", false); stylus.appendChild(MP3.createElement("div", "pivot", false)); stylus.appendChild(MP3.createElement("div", "arm", false)); stylus.appendChild(MP3.createElement("div", "head", false)); discArea.appendChild(stylus); MP3.mediaPlayer.appendChild(discArea); var buttons = MP3.createElement("div", "buttons", false); // Previous Button var prev = MP3.createButton("back", "prevButton", "fa fa-backward"); prev.addEventListener("click", () => { MP3.mediaPlayer.classList.toggle("play"); MP3.dataAvailable = false; MP3.loadNext(MP3.config.random);;'i')[0].className = "fa fa-pause"; }, false), buttons.appendChild(prev); // Play Button = MP3.createButton("play", "playButton", "fa fa-play");"click", () => { MP3.mediaPlayer.classList.toggle("play"); if ( { setTimeout(() => {; }, 300);'i')[0].className = "fa fa-pause"; MP3.timer = setInterval(MP3.updateDurationLabel, 100); } else { //MP3.loadNext(MP3.config.random);'i')[0].className = "fa fa-play"; clearInterval(MP3.timer);; } }, false); buttons.appendChild(; // Stop Button var stop = MP3.createButton("stop", "stopButton", "fa fa-stop"); stop.addEventListener("click", () => { MP3.mediaPlayer.classList.remove("play");; = 0;'i')[0].className = "fa fa-play"; MP3.updateDurationLabel(); }, false); buttons.appendChild(stop); // Next Button var next = MP3.createButton("next", "nextButton", "fa fa-forward"); next.addEventListener("click", () => { MP3.mediaPlayer.classList.toggle("play"); MP3.dataAvailable = false; MP3.loadNext(MP3.config.random);'i')[0].className = "fa fa-play"; }, false); buttons.appendChild(next); controls.appendChild(buttons); var subControls = MP3.createElement("div", "subControls", false); var duration = MP3.createElement("span", "duration", "currentDuration"); duration.innerHTML = "00:00" + "   "; subControls.appendChild(duration); var volumeSlider = MP3.createElement("input", "volumeSlider", "volumeSlider"); volumeSlider.type = "range"; volumeSlider.min = "0"; volumeSlider.max = "1"; volumeSlider.step = "0.01"; volumeSlider.addEventListener("input", () => { = parseFloat(volumeSlider.value); }, false); subControls.appendChild(volumeSlider); controls.appendChild(subControls); MP3.mediaPlayer.appendChild(controls); wrapper.appendChild(MP3.mediaPlayer); } if(MP3.firstTime && MP3.config.autoPlay){ console.log("First time and autoPlay are true. Setting firstTime to false."); MP3.firstTime=false; } return wrapper; }, setCurrentSong: function(folderName, songName){ if(!= undefined){ = MP3.config.musicPath + '/' + folderName + '/' + songName; MP3.songTitle.innerHTML = songName.substr(0, songName.length - 4); // update song title display // Update the current song, handling file paths MP3.curSong = MP3.config.folders.findIndex(folder => === folderName); } }, createElement: function(type, className, id){ var elem = document.createElement(type); if(className) elem.className = className; if(id) = id; return elem; }, createButton: function(className, id, icon){ var button = document.createElement('button'); button.className = className; = id; var ico = document.createElement("i"); ico.className = icon; button.appendChild(ico); return button; }, updateDurationLabel: function() { var duration = document.getElementById('currentDuration'); if (MP3.dataAvailable && > 0) { duration.innerText = MP3.parseTime( + " / " + MP3.parseTime(; } else { duration.innerText = "00:00 / 00:00"; } }, parseTime: function(time){ const minutes = Math.floor(time / 60) const seconds = Math.floor(time - minutes * 60) const secondsZero = seconds < 10 ? "0" : "" const minutesZero = minutes < 10 ? "0" : "" return minutesZero + minutes.toString() + ":" + secondsZero + seconds.toString() }, setCurrentSong: function(index){ if(!= undefined){ = MP3.config.musicPath + '/' + MP3.config.songs[index]; MP3.songTitle.innerHTML = MP3.config.songs[index].substr(0, MP3.config.songs[index].length - 4); MP3.curSong = index; } }, loadNext: function(next){ let index=0; console.log("loadNext: Autoplay:", MP3.config.autoPlay); // Add this line for logging; if(next) index= (MP3.curSong + 1) % MP3.config.songs.length; else index = (MP3.curSong - 1) < 0 ? MP3.config.songs.length - 1 : MP3.curSong - 1; MP3.setCurrentSong(index);; }, notificationReceived: function (notification, payload) { if(notification === "ALL_MODULES_STARTED") MP3.sendSocketNotification('SOURCE_MUSIC', MP3.config); }, socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload){ if(notification === "RETURNED_MUSIC") MP3.config.songs = payload.songs; // set the initial song index MP3.setCurrentSong(0); // paint the player MP3.updateDom(2); }, });
and the updated node-helper.js:
var NodeHelper = require('node_helper'); const Fs = require('fs'); const Path = require('path'); module.exports = NodeHelper.create({ start: function() { console.log("Loaded MP3Player node_helper"); }, socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload){ var self = this; if(notification == 'SOURCE_MUSIC'){ var folders = this.getFoldersWithSongs(payload.musicPath, payload.extensions); self.sendSocketNotification("RETURNED_MUSIC", {folders: folders}); } }, getFoldersWithSongs: function(path, ext){ var folders = []; var contents = Fs.readdirSync(path, { withFileTypes: true }); contents.forEach(dirent => { if (dirent.isDirectory()) { let songFiles = Fs.readdirSync(Path.join(path, .filter(file => this.checkExt(file, ext)); if (songFiles.length > 0) { folders.push({name:, songs: songFiles}); } } }); console.log("mp3 player returning folder list with songs="+ folders) return folders; }, checkExt: function(file, ext){ return ext.some(extension => file.toLowerCase().endsWith("." + extension)); } });
@bachoo786 sorry, been out
for editor, install winsvp or bitwise ssh clients. I like bitwise better myself.
both will give you ssh window AND a file manager view from windows over the pi (other system) filesystem
then you can double click to edit
and save back.I use notepad++ or visual studio code as the editor. you a also install visual studio code o the MagicMirror system, UT then u need vnc or keyboard and mouse . I never edit ON the MagicMirror system anymore
@sdetweil ah thanks will look into it no need to apologise mate.
Did you have a chance to look into my 2 sets of codes ?
@bachoo786 yes,
your function
setCurrentSong: function(folderName, songName){
takes two parms
on line 264 you called it with one
@sdetweil ah right so I need to change it to something like this:
MP3.setCurrentSong(0, 'songName');
Also did you manage to look into my later code which I described as the “better way”
@bachoo786 I did not look at the better method… cause I don’t know what that means.
I wasn’t looking at design, only syntax
@sdetweil ok I will try and explain the “better” method:
I’m basically trying to add a playlist feature to the MP3 player module I’m working on. My initial setup involved adding a songList to MP3Player.js, which lists all the songs—.mp3 files—in the ‘music’ folder of the module. I’ve also added a second folder, ‘music2’, to categorize songs by artist. Each artist’s name is tagged with an ‘h2’ in the CSS, for both songList and songList2.
However, this setup becomes cumbersome because it requires repeating the process for multiple artists, creating many folders and modifying the code each time for songList3, songList4, etc.
I thought a better approach would be to have one ‘music’ folder with subfolders for each artist containing their songs. This way, the module would display artists on the frontend, and clicking an artist’s name would show the songs in their folder.
I did start on this more streamlined method, but it proved challenging, so I reverted to the simpler, original method which we’ve been discussing since yesterday, as that uses a “single” songList displaying songs from the ‘music’ folder and has been working for me. So I have been trying to add another “songList2” to add more artists and their respective music.
I hope that makes sense?