Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
upgrading to latest MM version
out of curiosity, what would I do if I needed to retrieve the back up, do I need a GitHub account?
@JMac it depends on what you want to do
if you are just upgrading MM and don’t expect any sd card or OS issues
– no ‘need’ to copy
– at minimum you can copy the ~/MM-backup folder to some other mediaif you want you can use a githib PRIVATE repo for that
(private only because it contains private info)
its free, just takes a login and create a repothen use the repo name in the backup
(git will prompt for the password, not my code)by using git and github, i also version the backup too(using git tags)
so todays may be different than yesterday or last week…
you can restore ANY of those…
(and you didn’t lose a usb stick, or sd card… or whatever)
(AND you can tell the difference between versions)the MM source is also tagged (git term for labeled) at each release,
so we can get bback there pretty easily -
@JMac to restore, you run the restore script . it takes parameters to tell it what to do
@sdetweil This is useful to know.
Just add, I’ve had the same Issue as the last MM update, Calendar EXT3 is no longer pulling information from the base calendar module.
@JMac did you put on the fix
@sdetweil I hadn’t seen that, I was about to update the module individually then do some digging on here to see if others had had the issue.
do I use the list of commands in the link above, or the ones in this link? -
@sdetweil I’ve hit this at the 3 command,
MagicMirror@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror $ git switch _fix_clipping
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches.
Aborting -
@JMac rm package-lock.json
@sdetweil do I run that in just the MagicMirror directory or the Calendar EXT3 module directory?
Below was your guidance from another of my topics with issues with this module, will it work?
(#)put package-lock.json back to last git clone state
git reset package-lock.json
(#) update the module
git pull
(#) rerun npm install with new code
npm installhad to put the # in () to stop the font going enormous