Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-NearCompliments and HC-SR04
Long story short: I had my MagicMirror working until the SD card got corrupted. After rebuilding the mirror, I cannot use my HC-SR04 sensor to display the hidden compliments.
I have verified that the HC-SR04 is in fact working by using a python script:
pi@MagicPicture:~ $python3 Measured Distance = 124.3 cm Measured Distance = 122.6 cm Measured Distance = 0.4 cm Measured Distance = 122.6 cm Measured Distance = 122.1 cm Measured Distance = 123.0 cm ^CMeasurement stopped by User
MMM-NearCompliments hides the compliments upon mirror restart but interacting with the sensor does nothing. I have been unsuccessful in configuring it to directly access the sensor, trying multiple iterations of its configuration settings. This is how I left its config:
config: { echoPin: 4, triggerPin: 17, delay: 20, autoStart: true, usePIR: false, calibrate: false, position: 'bottom_left' }
I also have tried (separately) using both MMM-Pir and MMM-GPIO-Notifications in order to use their USER_PRESENCE notifications for sensor interaction…
When I set the MMM-NearCompliments config to usePIR:true when using MMM-Pir the sensor does not work, plus I cannot stop the monitor from shutting down…from which I am unable to recover.
When I use MMM-GPIO-Notifications with MMM-NearCompliments. I get complaints that the usePIR:true config setting requires MMM-PIR.
I would like to know if anyone has MMM-NearCompliments working directly with an HC-SR04 sensor (i.e. without using MMM-Pir), and request that you share your configuration settings.
Barring that, any information or assistance would be appreciated.
Take care.