Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MagicMirror will not always let me use control M
Hello all,
I’m new to this forum.
I’ve been working with Raspberry Pi 4/5 for about 1 year. I saw a video on YouTube last year about the MagicMirror and thought it was quite interesting. Since then I have self taught myself how to install MM and the Globe module (lukeskywalker92). For the last 10 to 12 months everything was sort of OK. In the past 3 weeks MM has refused to obey the control/M command so I can access my desk top. Rebooting several time at first would get to where I could use control/M but the past 3 days all I can access is my terminal with control-option/T.
I have used sdetweil auto install/startup for the MM and then add the GLOBE by skywalker, this is all I have on the screen, and on my RPi’s.
A bit of history on me: I’m a Vietnam Vet, retired UAW Machine Repairman (38yrs) whose hobbies are computers, 1:48 scale model aircraft, reading science fiction and auto mechanic. I am NOT into coding/programming, but I can follow instructions. I have 4 RPi’s, 2 are RPi 4 B, and 2 RPi 5’s. I’vet set them up myself along with help from the internet.
What I’d like to know is there a terminal command that will halt the MM (besides the control/M) as well as a possible fix for this problem? I’ve tried to search this but I don’t think I am phrasing my question correctly.
If you need further information please let me know and I will try to comply. LOL
Many thanks in advance to any and all who might assist me.
@Toronaga yeh, they keep fiddling with the UI.
Try alt-spacebar to get the menu -
@Toronaga also, if using pm2 to launch MagicMirror, then use the pm2 command to stop MagicMirror
by convention linux commands are to provide help with the --help parameter
pm2 --help
The pm2 status
pm2 stop xx is name or number on the row of the app you want to control
In the pm2 status output