Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@Ghost2000 hasn’t been updated in 17 months, 3 years before that. so, not likely to get update.
they are very picky about what they allow for auth callback urls. http://localhost:someportnumber >1000
they will pop up a screen to request logon and authorize this app to access your account, u click approve, and then the page appears with the error at the top using your auth URL and the code.
I know this works, cause I do it in another application
This post is deleted! -
@sdetweil said in MMM-awesome-alexa:
http://localhost:someportnumber >1000
http://localhost:3000/ or http://localhost:3000/authresponse
http://localhost:3000/authresponse = It does not work
http://localhost:3000/ = It does not workInvalid. Please enter your Redirect URI.
@Ghost2000 yes, looking at the code now…
@Ghost2000 yeh, some bug in their helper code… suddenly
edit the config_helper.js
change this line to return true;
return true; // "Invalid. Please enter your Redirect URI.";
using your return url in my avs config and on the helper
must copy ALL of the url from helper (2 lines) to the browser address field
hit enter
then sign in
then click allow,
apparently I have something running at port 3000
butcode is there
@Ghost2000 and it worked
@sdetweil NO
const chalk = require("chalk"); const clear = require("clear"); const figlet = require("figlet"); const inquirer = require("inquirer"); const request = require("request-promise"); const CLI = require("clui"); const spinner = new CLI.Spinner("Getting response from Amazon..."); const questions = [ { name: "clientId", type: "input", message: "Enter your Client ID from Alexa Voice Service (AVS):", validate: value => { if (value.length) { return true; } else { return "Please enter your Client ID."; } }, }, { name: "clientSecret", type: "input", message: "Enter your Client Secret from Alexa Voice Service (AVS):", validate: function(value) { if (value.length) { return true; } else { return "Please enter your Client Secret."; } }, }, { name: "productId", type: "input", message: "Enter your Product ID from Alexa Voice Service (AVS):", validate: function(value) { if (value.length) { return true; } else { return "Please enter your Product ID."; } }, }, { name: "redirectUri", type: "input", message: "Enter your Redirect URI (allowed return URL) from Alexa Voice Service (AVS):", validate: function(value) { const pattern = new RegExp( "^(https?:\\/\\/)?" + // protocol "((([a-z\\d]([a-z\\d-]*[a-z\\d])*)\\.)+[a-z]{2,}|" + // domain name "((\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}))" + // OR ip (v4) address "(\\:\\d+)?(\\/[-a-z\\d%_.~+]*)*" + // port and path "(\\?[;&a-z\\d%_.~+=-]*)?" + // query string "(\\#[-a-z\\d_]*)?$", "i", // fragment locator ); if (!!pattern.test(value)) { return true; } else { return "Invalid. Please enter your Redirect URI."; } }, }, ]; const authCodeQuestion = [ { name: "authCode", type: "input", message: "Enter your Authorization code (from previous step):", validate: value => { if (value.length) { return true; } else { return "Please enter your Authorization Code."; } }, }, ]; const continueQuestion = [ { name: "continue", type: "confirm", message: "Do you wish to continue to generate the MagicMirror config?", default: true, }, ]; const configQuestions = [ { name: "wakeWord", type: "list", message: "What do you want your Wake Word to be? (The phrase used to activate this module)", choices: ["Alexa", "Smart Mirror", "Snowboy"], }, { name: "liteMode", type: "confirm", message: "Do you want to use lite mode?", default: false, }, { name: "useVisualization", type: "confirm", message: "Do you want to use visulization?", default: true, }, ]; const generateQuery = params => Object.keys(params) .map(key => key + "=" + params[key]) .join("&"); clear(); console.log(chalk.yellow(figlet.textSync("Awesome Alexa", { horizontalLayout: "full" }))); console.log(chalk.underline("Welcome to the Config Helper tool!")); console.log("This tool will help you get the Refresh Token needed to run MMM-awesome-alexa."); console.log( "It will optionally generate your config for you, if you wish. If not, you can still create it manually after.", ); console.log("Go to to get the details.\n"); const run = async () => { const output = await inquirer.prompt(questions); const scopeData = { "alexa:all": { productID: output.productId, productInstanceAttributes: { deviceSerialNumber: 123, // Can be anything }, }, }; const queryParams = generateQuery({ client_id: output.clientId, scope: "alexa:all", scope_data: JSON.stringify(scopeData), response_type: "code", redirect_uri: output.redirectUri, }); console.log("Hooray! Link is generated. Part 1 is done. Please go on the link below.\n"), ); console.log( chalk.yellow("Please be aware that at the end,"), chalk.bgRed("THERE WILL BE AN ERROR!"),"This is normal.\n"), ); console.log(`${queryParams}`); console.log("\n^^^ Copy and paste the above in your Browser ^^^, follow the instructions."); console.log( "The authorization code you want is in the address bar in the final screen:", ); const authOutput = await inquirer.prompt(authCodeQuestion); spinner.start(); const amazonTokenReponse = await"", { form: { grant_type: "authorization_code", code: authOutput.authCode, client_id: output.clientId, client_secret: output.clientSecret, redirect_uri: output.redirectUri, }, json: true, }); spinner.stop(); console.log( chalk.bgGreen( "\nComplete! Your refresh token should be in the Amazon response below. If not raise an issue:\n", ), ); console.dir(amazonTokenReponse, { colors: true }); const continueOutput = await inquirer.prompt(continueQuestion); if (!continueOutput.continue) { process.exit(); } const configOutput = await inquirer.prompt(configQuestions); console.log("\nCongrats! Here is the full config:\n")); console.dir( { module: "MMM-awesome-alexa", position: "bottom_bar", config: { wakeWord: configOutput.wakeWord, clientId: output.clientId, clientSecret: output.clientSecret, deviceId: output.productId, refreshToken: amazonTokenReponse.refresh_token, lite: configOutput.liteMode, isSpeechVisualizationEnabled: configOutput.useVisualization, }, }, { colors: true }, ); }; run();
Have You Teamview ? You can help :D
@Ghost2000 said in MMM-awesome-alexa:
if (!!pattern.test(value)) { return true; } else { return "Invalid. Please enter your Redirect URI."; < <<<<<<<<<< change that line }