Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Installing MM2
Missing some info here: Which Raspberry Pi? Which version of Rasbian? Have you tried following the complete installation guide, from unboxing to having MM² up and running?
@KirAsh4 It is a RPi 3. Raspian is version 1.9.2. I did it all with one exception. I used Noobs to install Raspian instead of installing Raspian directly to my SD Card. All else is the same.
I will try it again without using Noobs.
The NOOBS installation isn’t a complete version of Jessie, unfortunately. It’s a slightly “lighter” version to fit on the card with the other OS versions.
@KirAsh4 Thank-you. I think I’m making good progress because it is getting past the dependancies. However, when I start ‘npm start’ I get about a list of error lines. If I can figure out how to upload files, I will send a text file of the error responses and the npm-debug.log file.
1_1468859943952_npm-debug.log 0_1468859943950_err.txt -
Hi @KirAsh4 ,
I found the problem. Well, I didn’t. It was under Neokamikaze’s post. I had been using PuTTY in the installation because it made it easier and more accurate to cut and paste directions. The errors were during that PuTTY session. When I key in “npm start” from a command windows directly on the RPi 3, it comes up with the proper screen.I still have some additional issues, but IT RUNS!! thank-you for your help. I proved I couldn’t have done it myself.
And thank-you, too, Neokamikaze.
Right. If you had followed the guide, you would’ve noticed that nowhere does it talk about using a client to connect and perform the various commands. You need to access it with a keyboard attached anyway to do the initial configuration before you can connect remotely, so rather than introduce another variable (having someone install something else), I opted not to do that.
That said, I’ll make a note in the guide. When connecting remotely, you must run the command as:
$ DISPLAY=:0 npm start