Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Two way mirror suppliers - Australia!
@jc21 Yes that is the stuff I used. For some reason I thought it was a 10m roll, but yes 2.4m x 1.2m Pillar brand. Still plenty of film for multiple mirrors if you need to redo and/or people are impressed enough to ask you to make another for them…
@slickric yes I did ask them that and they can cut it to specifications for you. I didn’t ask for a price of that though as I was put off by the $600.
@zydecat74 any chance you could post us a picture to see how the film looks in reality? Considering going down the same path.
I’m looking at making one of these too, but have hit the same wall. I’m waiting for a few quotes. I’m at this point getting a quote for the whole sheet and asking for it to be cut in to as many pieces as possible of my rough monitor size (have a few old monitors at work that will be suitable, but I’m just going for a ballpark size at this point). Was going to flog off the rest of the pieces on ebay/gumtree/reddit/now-that-ive-found-you-here-too to try to break even.
I’ll report back once I get a quote. If anyone wants to get in on a group buy I’d happily sell the piece at cost for pre-orders, otherwise I’ll probably try and make some money back if I have to wear the risk and sell it on ebay.
Thanks @zydecat74 - I’ve tried with the film you suggested ($45 from Bunnings) + a normal piece of glass ($22 from a local glass shop). It works like a beauty.
You will also need an application tool (yellow thing in the photo), a very sharp knife, a ruler (ideally longer than the one I used) and baby shampoo to mix with water and spray on the glass/film to apply it.
Photos of stuff and the result. All that is left for me now is to make the frame - but it is starting to look achievable now.
The film
![0_1475966543600_Energy saving film copy.jpg]
![0_1475966558698_Energy saving film 2 copy.jpg]Tools
![0_1475966573010_Other tools copy.jpg]Results (the film is inside)
![0_1475966586655_Result with film inside copy.jpg] -
@tgriffo I can’t see the photos?
Can anyone else see them?
The film sounds like a good idea.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how hard was it to apply? Would it work just as easy on a piece of acrylic? My only concern using glass is the extra weight and consequences of some part of my dodgy handiwork giving way.
Hey @Lobsta, the film wasn’t very hard to apply to glass. Took me, doing it for the first time, about 20 minutes and it didn’t look too horrible.
Images are not working well on this forum hey - tried to upload them again but no luck…
I’ve today finished the woodwork, with a lot of help from a friend that is experienced in weekend-woodwork. I don’t think it was any harder with glass than it would have been with acrylic. Certainly heavier though. I suspect the film would just as well with acrylic…
@tgriffo are you able to send me some photos or try posting them again?
I’m trying to decide if the quality is good enough with the film or if I should drop the $220 for glass mirror. -
@clumsy_ninja trying again using an image hosting service:
@tgriffo Thanks, I can see them now. It looks better than I thought a film would actually.
I bought this film the other day, should have it this week. they use it in dance studios etc where mirror is too expensive so i’m hoping it works quite well. I’ll be sure to post the results.