Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Limit Sonos module to only show a specific speaker
@dinkybluebug245 you forgot to put the mentioned line in the defaults object, this will cause a problem for those who want all rooms displayed, if you add this line and make a commit your pull request will get updated automatically, and i suggest to put also an information aubout this option into the readme file
Edit to your new post, as i said i have no clue about the sonos system and can’t test it I think you will find a way to get around this issue
@dinkybluebug245 is this what you mean by nested rooms?
$.each(item.members, function (j, member) { room += member.roomName + ', '; });
@strawberry-3.141 Yes I think so.
Excluding all rooms but ‘Kitchen’,
Nested rooms "Living rioom, Kitchen’ - shows nothing
Nested rooms "Kitchen, Living room’ shows info -
@dinkybluebug245 can you give this a try?
$.each(data, (i, item) => { if(this.config.exclude.indexOf(item.coordinator.roomName) === -1 || item.members.length > 1){ var room = item.coordinator.roomName; var state = item.coordinator.state.zoneState; var artist = item.coordinator.state.currentTrack.artist; var track = item.coordinator.state.currentTrack.title; var cover = item.coordinator.state.currentTrack.absoluteAlbumArtURI; var streamInfo = item.coordinator.state.currentTrack.streamInfo; if(item.members.length > 1){ room = ''; $.each(item.members, (j, member) => { if(this.config.exclude.indexOf(member.roomName) === -1){ room += member.roomName + ', '; } }); room = room.slice(0, -2); } text += this.renderRoom(state, artist, track, cover, room); } }.bind(this));
@strawberry-3.141 shouldnt the first line have ‘function’ in it?
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
@dinkybluebug245 then you will change the scope of this, that’s why I prefer to use big arrow functions () => {} is the same as function(){} but you keep the scope
@strawberry-3.141 I love how you think I know what that means. Ha! I’ll take your word on that and give it a go
a lot of people are doing this by saving the scope into a variable like
var self = this; setTimeout(function(){ doSomething(); self.sendSocketNotification('NOTIFICATION'); }, 1000);
but I like this cleaner way
setTimeout(() => { doSomething(); this.sendSocketNotification('NOTIFICATION'); }, 1000);
@strawberry-3.141 That doesnt work. Kitchen is the only room NOT excluded in my config.js
Kitchen, then group in Living room - shows info.
Living room, then grouping in Kitchen - doesnt show.