Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
NYC MTA Subway Times
Like this one? converted an old existing MTA module into a MM2 module for one user. It’s been two years since then, so I don’t know if it still is working, but please give it a try.
@yawns Thanks this looks similar and does run! But I am working with the real-time MTA API to create countdowns until a train will arrive at a given station. I may be able to mess around with this to achieve that.
Sure, would you mind sharing the python script?
Feel free to fork my repository or submit a PR. -
@yawns you had converted this one for me and yes, it still works :-)
@mastev26 I was just searching for this today, the closest I got was the commute app but since I use the LIRR often to take my son to auditions/meetings in the city I wanted something that would give me info from QVG -> Penn Station with a realtime count down on when the train will arrive. Do you mind sharing your module when it’s completed? Would truly appreciate it!
@mastev26 @anthony6608 +1 for me too, I would love that as well. what could also be good is if there is a service status from this file
where you could pull this in and have just your train line and pop up on the screen if there’s any delay. dont know if something is out there like that now either…
I too would love something like the MTA has in some of the stations now (see pic below). I plan to make a magic mirror for our office and determine everyone’s subway line so that when they are leaving or planning to leave they can see when the next 2 trains are in either direction
Even just the basic service status for the subways would be helpful too if the data can’t be pulled off above.
I also finally got the MMM-MTA to work for me last night. Couldn’t figure out why nothing would show and then all of a sudden alert popped up that the Babylon eastbound train to Penn was running two minutes late. That will be going on my home mirror and work mirror.
@imchrisrein yea it will only show up if there’s a delay for the LIRR module. The pic above is great - I think you can get the next times using their API. might even be some modules out there now. I was thinking something like this might help you ?
@ooom416354 You da man.
I am using an MTA module but not this one. Love it, gonna try when I get home tonight.
@imchrisrein im trying it now, making some sort of attempt to convert to work with the LIRR. The module that @yawns helped is great to track when the next train is. right now i’m also trying to see if there’s an overall service issue as well. sometimes the train is on time but cancelled at jamaica before i get to the station so it would be good to know if that happens before leaving