Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
exactly, what kind of bottom? Image will be a help to understand. -
I am just looking to reduce that space on the bottom. Not entirely eliminate it, but reduce it.
You’ll also notice that the start time is in 24h format, the end time is in 12h?
- Some footer is reserved for displaying counter of hidden events. (e.g:
The red area isslotFooter
, so you can control it like this;.CX2 .mySpecificView .slot .slotFooter { display:none; }
- For the time format;
Read this first;
With your previous config, you’ve set
timeFormat: h:mm A
, but there be more. :D
Upcoming view is somewhat different with other views(e.g: daily view), so the events need date and time together.Usual format in upcoming view is something like this;
- If the event starts on a specific day and ends on the same day, it would be good to show like this;
start date/time - end time - If the event starts on a specific day and ends on the other day, it would be;
start date/time - end date/time - If the event is a fullday event and starts/ends in a day;
start date - If the event is a fullday event and ends in another day;
start date - end date
And those could be combined with relative format, humanized calendar format, … :) Looks so complex!
Anyway, so, you need to set
also withtimeFormat
Set like this;
dateTimeFormat: { sameDay: "[Today] h:mm A", nextDay: "[Tomorrow] h:mm A", nextWeek: "dddd h:mm A", lastDay: "[Yesterday] h:mm A", lastWeek: "[Last] ddd h:mm A", sameElse: "M/D h:mm A" },
Or simply like this;
dateTimeFormat:"M/D h:mm A",
It will show like this;
- Some footer is reserved for displaying counter of hidden events. (e.g:
@Sean Beautiful! Thank you very much!
I’m trying to use local .ics file for two of my calendars. They are holiday calendars that stay the same throughout the year so they don’t need to be fetched from the web. I just can’t get them to work.
I get the same error message on both of them:[CALEXT2] calendar: Suomen juhlapyhät >> write EPROTO 1936543760:error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number:../../vendor/node/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/ssl3:record.c:252:
My url looks like this:
url: "",
I tried using
but it tried to force which don’t work.
Well, it’s not the issue of my module, anyway…
It seems, your RPI is not available to handle SSL of itself.
Can you open “” or “https://localhost:8080/Pyhat.ics” on the browser of your RPI when MM is running?
Try “http” instead of “https” -
Have to see if the problem comes back after RPI reinstall. It seems my SD-card just came to the end of its life.
I finally had a chance trying this. By trying “” with browser while MM is running I get “ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR”. I have no idea how to solve this. “Localhost” gives a little different error, but so does MM. But neither of them work. I know it is not about your module, but if you have any suggestions I’d be glad to hear.
instead ofhttps
put your ical file into~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-CalendarExt2
then, try to use this URL;