Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
is just for scanning calendars, finding something changed, then loading them. So, your modified events would definitely be loaded on the module.
But displaying is another issue.rotateInterval
(when you are using multi-scenes) orupdateInterval
(When you are using single-scenes) could make refreshing the displaying. -
@Sean I have the rotateInterval set to 0 and the updateInterval set to (5 minutes).
I will post my code below but I will need to removed the URL to my calendars.
{ /*MMM-CalendardExt2*/ module: 'MMM-CalendarExt2', config: { rotateInterval: 0, //rotate between scenes default = 60*1000; 0 disables updateInterval: 5*60*1000, //If not auto-rotated firstDrawingDelay: 10*1000, //delay to allow calendar parsing locale: "en", defaultSet: { calendars: { maxItems: 500, scanInterval: 1000*60*5, beforeDays: 5, afterDays: 60, maxIterations: 100, }, view: { timeFormat: "h:mm A", transform: function(event) { if ("Panic") > -1) { event.icon = "noto-softball"; event.className = "view_panic"; } else if ("Arin") > -1) { event.icon = "noto-softball"; } else if ("Violin") > -1) { event.icon = "emojione-monotone:violin"; } return event; }, }, scene: {} }, calendars: [ { name: "Chris", url: "", className: "cal_chris", }, { name: "Kim", url: "", icon: "twemoji-medical-symbol", className: "cal_kim", }, { name: "Lauren", url: "", className: "cal_lauren", }, { name: "Ryan", url: "", className: "cal_ryan", }, { name: "MHS Softball", url: "", icon: "noto:softball", className: "cal_mhs_softball", }, { name: "Softball Badgers", url: "", icon: "noto-badger", className: "cal_badgersoftball", }, { name: "BOPA", url: "", icon: "emojione-musical-score", className: "cal_bopa", }, ], views:[ { name: "View_Daily", mode: "daily", position: "top_left", calendars: ["Chris","Kim","Lauren","Ryan","MHS Softball","Softball Badgers","BOPA"], hideOverflow: false, filterPassedEvent: false, slotCount: 2, maxItems: 500, }, { name: "View_Upcoming", mode: "upcoming", slotTitle: "UPCOMING", position: "top_center", maxItems:10, maxDays: 3, hideOverflow: false, filterPassedEvent: true, calendars: ["Chris","Kim","Lauren","Ryan","MHS Softball","Softball Badgers","BOPA"], className: "views_upcoming", }, { name: "View_5D_Overview", title: "CALENDAR", mode: "daily", type: "row", position: "bottom_bar", maxItems: 500, slotCount: 5, hideOverflow: false, filterPassedEvent: false, calendars: ["Chris","Kim","Lauren","Ryan","MHS Softball","Softball Badgers","BOPA"], }, ], scenes:[ { name: "DEFAULT", views: ["View_Daily","View_5D_Overview"], className: "Scene_Default", }, ], }, },//end of calendarext2 module ], };
hey, Sean -
three minor issues and I got my install perfect:
- I’m trying to set up a wider slot for the calendar - I’ve got the region expanded and adjusted, but how do I get the item slots to match?: { left: 40%; -moz-transform: translateX(-40%); -o-transform: translateX(-40%); -webkit-transform: translateX(-40%); -ms-transform: translateX(-40%); transform: translateX(-40%); min-width: 750px; }
I’d like to get rid of the refresh fade. I find it annoying - how to do so?
When I have the “Seahawks” calendar enabled, only the trash calendar loads initially, and after first refresh, the others come in. Can you help with why?
{ module: 'MMM-CalendarExt2', config: { calendars : [ { url: "", name: "Main Calendar", // Optional, Recommended maxItems: 100, scanInterval: 1000*60*1, // every minute, Appt Book, needs this speed beforeDays: 0, afterDays: 999, maxIterations: 999, forceLocalTZ: false, }, { url: "", name: "Trash Calendar", // Optional, Recommended maxItems: 100, scanInterval: 24*60*60*1000, // Once a day beforeDays: 0, afterDays: 999, maxIterations: 999, forceLocalTZ: false, }, { url: "", name: "Seahawks Calendar", maxItems: 100, scanInterval: 24*60*60*1000, // Once a day (Is once a week acceptable???) beforeDays: 0, afterDays: 999, maxIterations: 999, forceLocalTZ: false, }, ], views: [ { mode: "daily", position: "top_center", slotCount: 99, timeFormat:"h:mm A", hideOverflow: false, name: "Daily View", className: "remove_empty_slot", calendars: ["Main Calendar","Trash Calendar","Seahawks Calendar"], transform: function(event) { if ("Recycle") > -1) { event.icon = "mdi:recycle"; } if ("Yard Waste") > -1) { event.icon = "entypo-leaf"; } if ("Seahawks") > -1) { event.icon = "fa-solid:football-ball"; } return event; }, // }, ], scenes: [ { name: "DEFAULT", }, ], }, },
Edit: I guess I have a fourth - I’d like to adjust anything to do with Seahawks (the transform above) to have the inverse color like an all day event. Possible?
- I’m trying to set up a wider slot for the calendar - I’ve got the region expanded and adjusted, but how do I get the item slots to match?:
That will take 5 minutes to refresh displaying. However, That’s not synced toscanInterval
(Those are individual for each other), so, at most 10 minutes could be taken to show modified events in unlucky case. -
Overwrite these values in your
- Adjust default size: (If you want to modifying on specific view, choose a proper CSS Selectors)
.CX2 { /* default values which are used frequently or dependently */ --row-min-width: 100px; --row-max-width: 1000px; --column-min-width: 300px; --column-max-width: 400px; --font-size: 16px; }
- Adjust css animation duration; Or change
to any other improper name.
.CX2.hidden { opacity:0; animation-name: fadeOutOpacity; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-timing-function: ease-in; animation-duration: 0.5s; } .CX2.shown { display:block; opacity: 1; animation-name: fadeInOpacity; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-timing-function: ease-in; animation-duration: 0.5s; }
That is because just parsing of other calendars is not finished before the first drawing of current loaded events. Just wait, in the next turn remains will be displayed.
Or set enough time offirstDrawingDelay
to wait for all the parsing be completed. -
Give the
to your targetted events like what you do withicon
. Define CSS styles with thatclassName
- Adjust default size: (If you want to modifying on specific view, choose a proper CSS Selectors)
@Sean I understand that they are not synced. I can run a test where I set both values to 1 minute (each). I can then make a change in my calendar then come back to the MM 10 minutes later and nothing has changed.
Last night I added an item to my calendar and waited for a couple of hours and it never appeared. Today it is added to the MM calendar. It is like it finally refreshed at midnight when it had to adjust the days.
I am now left wondering if the scanInterval in the default section is actually only used at startup and at midnight.
Edit: I added the scanInterval into the section for a specific calendar and it solved the problem. It looks like when the scanInterval is in the default section that it must not be applied to each calendar. The result is that each calendar is only scanned once per day (or so it seems).
Not at all.I tested this; I gave 20seconds for updateInterval and scanInterval
At start there was no event to show;
In a minute, I added a test event on my google calendar;
log says There happend 1 event added at that time. (See
And the screen was changed.(See the time of the clock.)
@Sean where is this log file located? I will take a look at it and see what I can find.
If you want to see the log on real time;
first stop yourpm2
(if you are using), thennpm start dev
on your MagicMirror directory. -
@Sean said in MMM-CalendarExt2:
- That is because just parsing of other calendars is not finished before the first drawing of current loaded events. Just wait, in the next turn remains will be displayed.
Or set enough time offirstDrawingDelay
to wait for all the parsing be completed.
is there a way to set priority of loading? If the trumba calendar referenced (Seahawks) is causing issues, I’d rather my main calendar loads first (Hold display until loaded), then the “trash” calendar, then the Trumba calendar. If not, feature request.
Thanks again, Love being able to make this exactly the way I want.
- That is because just parsing of other calendars is not finished before the first drawing of current loaded events. Just wait, in the next turn remains will be displayed.